Publications by Al Cooper

Heat Index added to package Ranadu


The Heat Index The heat index is used frequently to represent how hot it feels, but there are many cautions and assumptions that affect its reliability. It is based on a study by Steadman (1979). The proposed index is a complicated function dependent on many variables including effective wind speed, human activity, clothing cover – a total of 2...

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For NCAR:RAF: Using Python and R together to construct documentation


Reproducible Research I recently learned of a very useful approach to documenting data-analysis projects in order to improve “reproducibility” of the results, which enables someone else to repeat, check and extend the results. I have been using R in RStudio for this purpose, with an R package called “knitr” that supports interleaving code...

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Example 1


My Website Home About R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see In RStudio, click the Knit button to generate a document that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded ...

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Example 2


My Website Home About The “chunk” structure In R Markdown code chunks are identified by the header ```{} and the footer ```. Code between the header and footer will be evaluated and can produce figures and other results that will be included in the final document at an appropriate place. Inside the header brackets, the processing “engine...

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Proposal to Add Wet-BulB Temperature to Variables


Introduction It may be worth adding a wet-bulb temperature to the available variables in standard netCDF files produced by aircraft projects. Reasons include these: Below cloud, the wet-bulb temperature is a useful indicator of the potential for rain from the cloud to produce downdrafts by evaporative cooling. The wet-bulb temperature is an impo...

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NCAR/RAF Processing Algorithms


Abstract This report documents the algorithms used to produce the data archives resulting from research projects that use the NSF/NCAR research aircraft operated by the Research Aviation Facility, Earth Observing Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research. Introduction Background Information This technical report defines the varia...

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