Publications by Andrew Ithurburn

Annual Review Rmarkdown File


Experiment 1 The present study The present exploratory study sought to investigate the interaction between spiteful behavior and level of justification of spiteful acts. Endorsements of spiteful acts tends to suggest the propensity to be more spiteful. Early investigations of spiteful behavior was limited to non-sexual mundane tasks such as goin...

5430 sym R (369 sym/1 pcs) 19 img 4 tbl

Annual Review Preliminary


Experiment 1 The present study The present exploratory study sought to investigate the interaction between spiteful behavior and level of justification of spiteful acts. Endorsements of spiteful acts tends to suggest the propensity to be more spiteful. Early investigations of spiteful behavior was limited to non-sexual mundane tasks such as goin...

1525 sym R (5254 sym/19 pcs) 11 img 4 tbl

Chapter 10: Bayesian Statistics


Chapter 10: Model Comparison and Hierarchical Modeling 10.1 General formula and the bayes factor \(m\) = 1 for model 1 \(m\) = 2 for model 2 and so on. \(P_m\)(y | \(\theta\)\(_m, m)\) ← likelihood function \(P_m\)(\(\theta\)\(_m, | m)\) ← prior denotation Probability density includes a subscript which expresses that different models migh...

6451 sym R (2689 sym/24 pcs) 14 img

Bayesian Statistics: Chapter 9


Chapter 9: Hierarchical Models Hierarchical Models The batting example: 1. Number of hits each player attains 2. The number of opportunities at bat 3. The primary fielding position of that player Child purchasing cafeteria lunch 1. Number of days each child bought lunch 2. Number of days of school attended 3. School and district of the child Surg...

16532 sym R (7489 sym/15 pcs) 13 img

The Psychology of Risky Sexual Decisions: Power Desires, Attachment Style, and Sexual Choices


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # The Psychology of Risky Sexual Decisions: Power Desires, Attachment Style, and Sexual Choices ## Study 1 ### Andrew Ithurburn ### University of Edinburgh ### 2021-02-15 --- --- class: center, top # Overview ### Literature review ### Study 1 #### Methods #### Results #### Bayesian St...

11717 sym 1 img

Publish Document


1 bayesian correlation library(brms) library(rstan) # can remove the unnecessary iterations corrs <- brm(mvbind(ethicalPreference, financialPreference, socialPreference, healthAndSafetyPreference, recreationalPreference) ~ 1, data = experiment_dataset_analysis, family = student, prior = c(prior(gamma(2, .1), class = "nu"), prior(normal(0, 1),...

1520 sym R (83670 sym/48 pcs) 21 tbl



1 bayesian correlation library(brms) library(rstan) # can remove the unnecessary iterations corrs <- brm(mvbind(ethicalPreference, financialPreference, socialPreference, healthAndSafetyPreference, recreationalPreference) ~ 1, data = experiment_dataset_analysis, family = student, prior = c(prior(gamma(2, .1), class = "nu"), prior(normal(0, 1),...

1100 sym R (82996 sym/48 pcs) 21 tbl

Experiment Two Analyses


0.1 Cleanup experiment_two_DS_time <- read.csv("Experiment_2_Dataset_clean.csv") experiment_two_DS <- read.csv("Experiment_2_Dataset_clean_noTime.csv") corr_table <- readRDS("corr_table.rds") m4 <- readRDS("m4.rds") m5 <- readRDS("m5.rds") m5_gen <- readRDS("m5_gen.rds") m7 <- readRDS("m7.rds") m8 <- readRDS("m8.rds") m8_gen <- readRDS("m...

658 sym R (49261 sym/43 pcs) 6 img 9 tbl

Experiment Two Analysis


1 Experiment 2 2 Experiment 1 Demographics kable(demographic_table, format = "html", bootabs = T, escape = F, longtable = T, col.names = c("", "Overall *n* = 92"), align = c("l", "c"), caption = "*Participant Demographic Information*") %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)%>% row_spec(row = 0, align = "c")%>% column_spe...

518 sym R (12861 sym/22 pcs) 4 img 5 tbl

Prelim Analysis


Preliminary Analysis Initial Correlation Check corrs <- brm(mvbind(ethicalPreference, financialPreference, socialPreference, healthAndSafetyPreference, recreationalPreference) ~ 1, data = Experiment_2_demographics, family = student(), cores = parallel::detectCores(), prior = c( prior(gamma(2, 0.1), class = "nu"), prior(normal(0, 1), class = ...

269 sym R (127375 sym/90 pcs) 11 img 10 tbl