Publications by Adrian Stanciu

MPG-30 Tag 2


Deskriptive und Inferenzstatistik MPG-30 2024-25 Adrian Stanciu Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE), University of Luxembourg vorherige Sitzung Wichtige von letzter Sitzung. Logik der Forschung Das Induktionsproblem alternativerweise, eine deduktive Strategie Falsifizierungsprinzip Güterkriterien quanti...

12249 sym 31 img 1 tbl

MPG-30 Tag 1


Deskriptive und Inferenzstatistik MPG-30 2024-25 Adrian Stanciu Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE), University of Luxembourg Admin Wichtige über das Seminar. ECTs Das Seminar ist Pflichtseminar und dafür werden 2 ECTs vergeben. Schriftliche Hausarbeit gilt als Leistungsnachweis. Gilt die Anwesenheitspflic...

12480 sym 52 img

MAPI-54 slides day 1


Psychological network systems (PNS) MAPI-54 2024-25 Adrian Stanciu Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE), University of Luxembourg Admin Important information for the seminar. ECTs and participation No ECTs are given for participation in this seminar. Participation is going to help in the long run because psyc...

17093 sym 31 img

MAPI-54 slides day 2


Psychological network systems (PNS) MAPI-54 2024-25 Adrian Stanciu Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE), University of Luxembourg Previous session What do you remember from the previous session? Axioms Psychological network systems map symptoms (variables) on a network structure according to three axioms In...

16328 sym 38 img

MAPI-54 slides day 3


Psychological network systems (PNS) MAPI-54 2024-25 Adrian Stanciu Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE), University of Luxembourg Previous sessions What do you remember from previous sessions? Axioms Psychological network systems map symptoms (variables) on a network structure according to three axioms Inte...

6299 sym 9 img

Code for MAPI-54 seminar University of Luxembourg


Table of contents Note before you start Prepare the working environment Data description Your research question Inspect data Partial correlation network Network estimation Network stability and accuracy Relative importance network Network estimation Network comparison Results of network comparison Global tests Edge comparison Your research q...

13472 sym Python (15721 sym/40 pcs) 9 img 1 tbl

Psych network workshop


Table of contents Prepare working environment Variable overview Inspect the data Network estimation Network visualization Node centrality plot Inspect node centrality stability Edge accuracy Network comparison Results of network comparison General tips References Introduction to psychological network systems and analysis Reproducible code for the...

7335 sym Python (14879 sym/32 pcs) 8 img 1 tbl