Publications by aardvarkfunnyxia

Exercise 6


qanda <- read.csv ("selective_affinitiesnew.csv") cd <- read.csv ("Country_data.csv") er <- read.csv ("Exam_results.csv") Exercise 6.1. How do you quantify the monotonic relationship between Handspan and Height in the qanda dataset? Can you guess the R function to test this relationship formally? Write down explicitly your null and alternative hy...

2811 sym 4 img

Exercise 5 presentation


2024-02-07 Exercise 5.1 Exercise 5.1 In the Hair and Siblings residuals table, how many associations are we examining? Are 95% of them within two standard deviations of the mean? How about for the other comparisons you carried out in Exercise 2.5? Exactly what % of a Normal distribution is within two standard deviations of the mean? make a resid...

8915 sym

Exercise 5


Exercise 5.1 In the Hair and Siblings residuals table, how many associations are we examining? Are 95% of them within two standard deviations of the mean? How about for the other comparisons you carried out in Exercise 2.5? Exactly what % of a Normal distribution is within two standard deviations of the mean? make a table ## data_2 ## data_...

8856 sym

Exercise 5.6 presentation


2024-02-06 Exercise 5.6 Download the clinical_trials.csv data set. In this synthetic data set, a company Badatta claims that they have developed a new drug Kilvir that can kill the common cold virus and have conducted clinical trials to prove this claim. Here, each row in the data set represents data for one patient, including their age group, wh...

3580 sym

Exercise 5.5 presentation


Exercise 5.5. Work through the general process for hypothesis testing given in Section 5.1 using the data in Table 5.1. Create a function which takes such a table (of any number of columns) as input and produces the same output as Exercise 5.2. Work out how to use chisq.test() to perform a goodness of fit test and check the answer from that with t...

2702 sym

Exercise 4


Exercise 4.1. Examine the two variables in your dataset, perhaps using plots or summary statistics. Start a new program. Import the data and create data objects Height and Handspan. Plot the bivariate data in a scatter plot. Does there appear to be any relationship between the two variables? I plot them plot (qanda$Handspan ~ qanda$Height, ...

4264 sym Python (3457 sym/35 pcs) 10 img

Exercise 4


Exercise 4.1. Examine the two variables in your dataset, perhaps using plots or summary statistics. Start a new program. Import the data and create data objects Height and Handspan. Plot the bivariate data in a scatter plot. Does there appear to be any relationship between the two variables? I plot them plot (qanda$Handspan ~ qanda$Height, ...

4262 sym Python (3387 sym/33 pcs) 10 img

Exercise 4 Presentation


2024-01-30 Exercise 4.1. Examine the two variables in your dataset, perhaps using plots or summary statistics. Start a new program. Import the data and create data objects Height and Handspan. Plot the bivariate data in a scatter plot. Does there appear to be any relationship between the two variables? I plot them: Look at the correlation coeff...

4745 sym 10 img

Exercise 4.2


Exercise 4.2. Create a function which takes two vectors of equal length and outputs \(\hat{\alpha}\), \(\hat{\beta}\) and \(\hat{\sigma^2}\) using the formulae from the STAT0002 notes. Test the function using x = (1, 2, 3) and Y = (3, 5, 7) - you should be able to predict its outputs for that data. Run the function against the Handspan (Y) Height ...

634 sym

Exercise 3 presentation


2024-01-23 Exercise 3.1. Create a new program to study this data. Download the dataset and save it with a short meaningful name. Are there any issues with the data which we need to take into account? plot the data in a similar style to Figure 3.1 but don’t worry about the flags or the statistics in the upper left hand corner. What sort of rel...

4865 sym R (2018 sym/18 pcs) 14 img