Publications by Ziwei Ma



class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Output Formats: PDF document ] .author[ ### Ziwei Ma ] .date[ ### 2022-09-19 ] --- class: inverse, middle # PDF document - ## Documents elements - ## Templates and LaTex output - ## Formatting --- ## Documents elements .pull-left[ - Insert page breaks - Update the data automatically...

7821 sym

MATH 3820


class: title-slide, bottom,center background-image: url(img/title_bkgd.png) background-position: top center background-size: 100% ## Introduction to RMarkdown ### Ziwei Ma Department of Mathematics 2022-09-12 [ @ziwei-utc]( [ @ZiweiMa]( [](https://ziwei...

13674 sym



Topic 1 Exercise Here’s a simple exercise with an empty code chunk provided for entering the answer. Write the R code required to add two plus two: Exercise with Code Here’s an exercise with some prepopulated code as well as exercise.lines = 5 to provide a bit more initial room to work. Now write a function that adds any two numbers and ...

1078 sym



class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # A feed-forward neural network approach to Estimate parameters of models of COVID-19 Dynamics ] .author[ ### Ziwei Ma and Jin Wang ] .institute[ ### University of Tennessee At Chattanooga ] .date[ ### 2022-10-15 ] --- <style type="text/css"> .highlight { background-color: lightpink; borde...

7497 sym



class: left, bottom, my-title, title-slide .title[ # A feed-forward neural network approach to estimate parameters of models of COVID-19 Dynamics ] .author[ ### Ziwei Ma and Jin Wang ] .institute[ ### University of Tennessee At Chattanooga ] .date[ ### 2022-10-15 ] --- <style type="text/css"> .highlight { background-color: lightpink; border...

7498 sym

Countable additivity and Finite additivity


Finite Additive Probability Author Ziwei Ma Countable Additivity and Finite Additivity In our textbook, the axioms of probability, Definition 2.6, are given below. The Axiom 3 is countable additivity (CA) which we call countable additive probability (CAP). In class, we rised the discussion on what if we only allow finite additivity? Which me...

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Chapter 5 Resampling Methods


Chapter 5 Resampling Methods Ziwei Ma 6/5/2021 Resampling Methods What are sampling methods They involve from a training set and refitting a model of interest on each sample in order to obtain additional information about the fitted model. Slide with Bullets Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Slide with R Output summary(cars) ## speed ...

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COVID 19 Sampling Bias


COVID-19 Data Resampling Landon Kehr Introduction Column Abstract Addressing sample biases in genome-wide association study for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring adaptive changes of SARS-CoV-2 is of critical importance to mitigate its transmission. There are many researches showing the viral genomic mutations play a key role in propagation of SAR...

3005 sym R (78003 sym/19 pcs) 50 img

Introduction to ML Part I


Introduction to Machine Learning Part I Basic Terms and Concepts Ziwei Ma 6/15/2021 What is Machine Learning Learning like intelligence, covers such a broad range of processes that it is difficult to define precisely. to gain knowledge, or understanding of, or skill in, by study, instruction, or experience, modification of a behavioral tend...

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Gait data


Descriptive analysis Load data cf4 <- read.csv("cf4.txt", sep="") #cf4 =, cf4) df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(cf4), nrow=2789, byrow=TRUE)) colnames(df) = names(cf4) head(df) ## rt.uaw rt.uax rt.uay rt.uaz rt.faw rt.fax rt.fay rt.faz rt.thw ## 1 -0.7614 -0.7614 -0.7614 -0.7614 -0.7604 -0.7604 -0.7604 -0....

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