Publications by Yihui Xie

How to Become an Efficient and Collaborative R Programmer


I may want to add a subtitle “Why R-Forge Must Die” (thinking of Barry Rowlingson’s talk earlier this year). I have been a GitHub user for two years, and I was mainly influenced by Hadley. Now I even feel a little bit addicted to GitHub (its slogan is “social coding”), because it is really convenient for collaboration and makes me more ...

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Ideas on A Really Fast Statistics Journal


I was writing comments on the blog post A proposal for a really fast statistics journal, and I realized the comment box was too small to write down my ideas. I like the proposal a lot, and I feel really bad about the current model of submitting and reviewing papers: it is just too slow! We should not blame it on editors and reviewers; everybody i...

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Fancy HTML5 Slides with knitr and pandoc


Karthik Ram gave an Introduction to R a couple of weeks ago, and I strongly recommend you to take a look at his cool HTML5 slides. I started trying HTML5 slides last year, and now it is difficult for me to go back to beamer, which I have used for a few years for my presenations. It is horrible to see beamer slides everywhere at academic conferenc...

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How to Make HTML5 Slides with knitr


One week ago I made an early announcement about the markdown support in the knitr package and RStudio, and now the version 0.5 of knitr is on CRAN, so I’m back to show you how I made the HTML5 slides. For those who are not familiar with markdown, you may read the traditional documentation, but RStudio has a quicker reference (see below). The pr...

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Learn formatR in Two Minutes


Anthony made a video tutorial on how to use the formatR package, which I think is pretty cool: I wish I could speak English as fast as him… Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Yihui Xie. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many o...

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Making Reproducible Research Enjoyable


Note: this is a contributed article for the ICSA Bulletin and the basic idea can be summarized in this picture. It is hard to convince people to think about reproducible research (RR). There are two parts of difficulties: (1) tools used to be for experts only and (2) it is still common practice to copy and paste. For some statisticians, RR is al...

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For the Stupid Password Rules at Iowa State


The Fall semester is coming, which means it is time to log into several stupid systems to be prepared for the new semester. Time and time again I’m annoyed by the bullshit password rules at Iowa State University. I wrote to the IT staff once but no one ever responded. Here are their rules: Must be 8 characters in length Must contain at least o...

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R Package Vignettes with Markdown


What is the best resource to learn an R package? Many R users know the almighty question mark ? in R. For example, type ?lm and you will see the documentation of the function lm. If you know nothing about a package, you can take a look at the HTML help by help.start() where you can find the complete list of documentation by clicking the link Pac...

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A Quick Note On Large 2D Data


Two months ago I was told one of my old blog posts was borrowed to this post: Finding patterns in big data with SAS/GRAPH. I wrote my blog post four years ago just for fun. The over-plotting issue is pretty boring to me now, but what caught my attention were: alpha-transparency was a new feature in SAS 9.3 (I found this hard to believe); the SAS...

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Visiting FHCRC, JHSPH and Meeting Xi’an


I have been traveling during the last two weeks. I visited Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center on Oct 16 and the Department of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins at the invitation of Simply Statistics on Oct 23. Today Christian Robert was visiting our department at Iowa State, and I also talked to him. It is really cool to talk to those guys, and ...

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