Publications by Vivek Patil

Air Pollution (PM10 and PM2.5) in Different Cities using Interactive Charts


Gardiner Harris, who is a South Asia correspondent of the New York Times, shared a personal story of his son’s breathing troubles in New Delhi, India, in a recent dispatch titled Holding Your Breath in India. In this post, I use data from the World Health Organization’s Website to identify and map cities where the air quality is worse than th...

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Display of Geographic Data in R


This was a deck used in my presentation to the Inland Northwest R user Group this past Friday (August 14, 2015). It relies on the work done by many folks, including Ari Lamstein, Kyle Walker, Erik Erhardt, and the kind folks at R-Studio. Please click on this link to visit the blog post: Related To leave a comme...

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Display of Geographic Data in R


This was a deck used in my presentation to the Inland Northwest R user Group this past Friday (August 14, 2015). It relies on the work done by many folks, including Ari Lamstein, Kyle Walker, Erik Erhardt, and the kind folks at R-Studio. Please click on this link to visit the blog post: Related To leave a comme...

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Interactive charts using htmlwidgets


This was a deck used in my presentation to the Inland Northwest R user Group this past Friday (November 6, 2015). The introduction of htmlwidgetshas opened up a wide-range of options for R-users without having the need to pick-up on JavaScript to create great charts and I would like to thank the great work of many in the community, including R...

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Interactive charts using htmlwidgets


This was a deck used in my presentation to the Inland Northwest R user Group this past Friday (November 6, 2015). The introduction of htmlwidgetshas opened up a wide-range of options for R-users without having the need to pick-up on JavaScript to create great charts and I would like to thank the great work of many in the community, including R...

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Countries of refugees to the US in 2014 and their destinations


A tweet from Kyle Walker introduced me to data from the Office of Refugee Resettlement from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Using multiple R packages such as shiny, rCharts, rcdimple, leaflet, and d3heatmap, this post looks at the countries of 69,986 refugees in 2014 and their destinations in the US. All charts are interactive and...

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Countries of refugees to the US in 2014 and their destinations


A tweet from Kyle Walker introduced me to data from the Office of Refugee Resettlement from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Using multiple R packages such as shiny, rCharts, rcdimple, leaflet, and d3heatmap, this post looks at the countries of 69,986 refugees in 2014 and their destinations in the US. All charts are interactive and...

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