Publications by Very statisticious on Very statisticious

Getting started with emmeans


Package emmeans (formerly known as lsmeans) is enormously useful for folks wanting to do post hoc comparisons among groups after fitting a model. It has a very thorough set of vignettes (see the vignette topics here), is very flexible with a ton of options, and works out of the box with a lot of different model objects (and can be extended to oth...

12260 sym R (11783 sym/22 pcs)

Custom contrasts in emmeans


Following up on a previous post, where I demonstrated the basic usage of package emmeans for doing post hoc comparisons, here I’ll demonstrate how to make custom comparisons (aka contrasts). These are comparisons that aren’t encompassed by the built-in functions in the package. Remember that you can explore the available built-in emmeans func...

8482 sym R (5017 sym/17 pcs)

Embedding subplots in ggplot2 graphics


The idea of embedded plots for visualizing a large dataset that has an overplotting problem recently came up in some discussions with students. I first learned about embedded graphics from package ggsubplot. You can still see an old post about that package and about embedded graphics in general, with examples. However, ggsubplot is no longer main...

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The small multiples plot: how to combine ggplot2 plots with one shared axis


There are a variety of ways to combine ggplot2 plots with a single shared axis. However, things can get tricky if you want a lot of control over all plot elements. I demonstrate three different approaches for this: 1. Using facets, which is built in to ggplot2 but doesn’t allow much control over the non-shared axes. 2. Using package cowplot, wh...

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Many similar models – Part 1: How to make a function for model fitting


I worked with several students over the last few months who were fitting many linear models, all with the same basic structure but different response variables. They were struggling to find an efficient way to do this in R while still taking the time to check model assumptions. A first step when working towards a more automated process for fittin...

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Many similar models – Part 2: Automate model fitting with purrr::map() loops


When we have many similar models to fit, automating at least some portions of the task can be a real time saver. In my last post I demonstrated how to make a function for model fitting. Once you have made such a function it’s possible to loop through variable names and fit a model for each one. In this post I am specifically focusing on having ...

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More exploratory plots with ggplot2 and purrr: Adding conditional elements


This summer I was asked to collaborate on an analysis project with many response variables. As usual, I planned on automating my initial graphical data exploration through the use of functions and purrr::map() as I’ve written about previously. However, this particular project was a follow-up to a previous analysis. In the original analysis, dif...

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Expanding binomial counts to binary 0/1 with purrr::pmap()


Data on successes and failures can be summarized and analyzed as counted proportions via the binomial distribution or as long format 0/1 binary data. I most often see summarized data when there are multiple trials done within a study unit; for example, when tallying up the number of dead trees out of the total number of trees in a plot. If these ...

5082 sym R (3900 sym/10 pcs)

Making a background color gradient in ggplot2


I was recently making some arrangements for the 2020 eclipse in South America, which of course got me thinking of the day we were lucky enough to have a path of totality come to us. We have a weather station that records local temperature every 5 minutes, so after the eclipse I was able to plot the temperature change over the eclipse as we exper...

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An example of base::split() for looping through groups


I recently had a question from a client about the simplest way to subset a data.frame and apply a function to each subset. “Simplest” could mean many things, of course, since what is simple for one person could appear very difficult to another. In this specific case I suggested using base::split() as a possible option since it is one I find f...

4374 sym R (4486 sym/9 pcs)