Publications by Unsa Jamil

Heart Disease Analysis


Import Libraries library(caret) ## Warning: package 'caret' was built under R version 3.6.1 ## Loading required package: lattice ## Loading required package: ggplot2 ## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.6.1 Import Data heartData <- read.csv("heart.csv") names(heartData) <- c("age","sex","cp","trestbps","chol","fbs","restecg...

121 sym R (6500 sym/16 pcs)

Salary Prediction


Import Libraries library(caTools) ## Warning: package 'caTools' was built under R version 3.6.1 Data Import empData <- read.csv("empdata.csv") Data Exploration summary(empData) ## X id groups age healthy_eating ## Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.0 A :375 Min. :18.00 Min. : 0.000 ## 1st Qu....

127 sym R (2606 sym/15 pcs)

Diabetic Analyse


Import Libraries library(caTools) ## Warning: package 'caTools' was built under R version 3.6.1 library(ROCR) ## Warning: package 'ROCR' was built under R version 3.6.1 ## Loading required package: gplots ## Warning: package 'gplots' was built under R version 3.6.1 ## ## Attaching package: 'gplots' ## The following object is masked from 'packag...

281 sym R (4948 sym/27 pcs) 1 img

Email Ham And Spam


Problem Scoping And Diagnosis The fact that an email box can be flooded with unsolicited emails makes it possible for the account holder to miss an important message; thereby defeating the purpose of having an email address for effective communication. These junk emails from online marketing campaigns, online fraudsters among others is one of the...

3524 sym R (7120 sym/37 pcs) 3 img

Social Network Analysis


Import Libraries ## Warning: package 'igraph' was built under R version 3.6.1 Create Directed Graph graphNode <- graph(c(1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1),directed = FALSE,n=7) graphNodes <- graph(c("Amy","Ram","Ram","Li","Li","Amy","Amy","Li","kate","Li")) plot(graphNode,vertex.color="orange",vertex.size=40,edge.color="purple") plot(graphNodes,vertex.color="...

339 sym R (3993 sym/37 pcs) 9 img

Twitter Sentiment Analysis


Sentiment Analysis Sentiment analysis is the interpretation and classification of emotions (positive, negative and neutral) within text data using text analysis techniques. Sentiment analysis allows businesses to identify customer sentiment toward products, brands or services in online conversations and feedback. Import Libraries library(tm) li...

1021 sym R (7556 sym/24 pcs) 5 img

Customer Segmentation


Customer Segmentation Project In R Customer Segmentation is one the most important applications of unsupervised learning. Using clustering techniques, companies can identify the several segments of customers allowing them to target the potential user base. In this machine learning project, we will make use of K-means clustering which is the essen...

5020 sym R (8579 sym/52 pcs) 23 img

Uber Data


Import Libraries library(ggplot2) library(ggthemes) library(lubridate) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(DT) library(scales) Create Vector Of Colors To Be Implemented In Our Plots colorsData <- c("#CC1011", "#665555", "#05a399", "#cfcaca", "#f5e840", "#0683c9", "#e075b0") Reading Data Now, we will read several csv files that contain ...

2195 sym R (6357 sym/31 pcs) 16 img

Live Face Detection


Real Time Face Recognition A real time face recognition system is capable of identifying or verifying a person from a video frame. To recognize the face in a frame, first you need to detect whether the face is present in the frame. If it is present, mark it as a region of interest (ROI), extract the ROI and process it for facial recognition. How...

1199 sym R (1216 sym/8 pcs) 5 img

Gasoline Project


Install Packages install.packages("caret") install.packages("RSADBE") install.packages("rlang") Load Packages library(RSADBE) library(caret) library(rlang) Importing Gasoline Dataset From RSADBE Package data("Gasoline") gasolineData <- Gasoline Exploring Dataset dim(gasolineData) ## [1] 25 12 head(gasolineData,1) ## y x1 x2 x...

612 sym R (5276 sym/24 pcs)