Publications by Ching lee yan

In-class exercises


第一題 Summarize the backpain{HSAUR3} into the following format Summarize the backpain{HSAUR3} library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union HSAUR3::bac...

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第一題 load the data dta <- read.csv("ncku_roster.csv",sep='\t',header = T, stringsAsFactor=FALSE) head(dta) ## 座號.系.年.班.開課系序號.學號.姓名.成績.選課時間 ## 1 教師:U3023 許清芳 , ...

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第一題 load the data dta1<- read.table("student2017.txt", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F) the missing data in the fifteen,so revise data dta1<- data.frame(ID = c(dta1[1:14, ], 'U76067010', dta1[15:16, ])) names(dta1)<-"ID";dta1 ## ID ## 1 D84057058 ## 2 C44035023 ## 3 D84041162 ## 4 D84046081 ## 5 D84021057 ## 6 U36037...

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第一題 read in a plain text file with variable names and assign a name to it dta <- read.table("math_attainment.txt", header = T) structure of data str(dta) ## 'data.frame': 39 obs. of 3 variables: ## $ math2: int 28 56 51 13 39 41 30 13 17 32 ... ## $ math1: int 18 22 44 8 20 12 16 5 9 18 ... ## $ cc : num 328 406 387 167 328 ....

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引言 中文LaTeX文档并非难题。当然这句话得站在巨人 CTeX 的肩膀上才能说,它让我们只需要一句 \documentclass{ctexart} % 或者ctexrep/ctexbook 或者 \usepackage{ctex} 就轻松搞定中文LaTeX排版问题。 字体和选项 LaTeX包ctex支持若干种字体选项,如果你是ctex老用户,请注意这里我...

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``` address: “701台南市東區大學路1號” EDUCATION 學歷 國立成功大學, 教育碩士在學 -今 JOURNAL ARTICLES 期刊發表 NOTHING AWARDS & HONORS 獲獎經歷 NOTHING SELECTED EXTRACURRICULAR 課外活動 NOTHING ...

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<!DOCTYPE html> GPA and GRE GPA and GRE Doughnut Dump 02 三月, 2018 An education researcher is interested in how variables, such as GRE (Graduate Record Exam scores), GPA (grade point average) and prestige of the undergraduate institution (Rank), influence admission into graduate school (Admit). Read data dta <- read.csv("https://st...

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Abstract The abstract should address the following five questions: (1) why is the problem interesting, (2) how was the data set obtained, (3) what have you done to it, (4) what have you found, and (5) what do the results mean? All this and be less than 200 words! Introduction Writing papers should follow an hour-glass design, i.e., starting wit...

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天氣預報 【陰天有短暫雨,氣溫偏低,沿海空曠地區可能有強陣風。】 【更新時間:03/05 05:18】 昨天(4日)臺南市中西區最低溫發生在半夜,低溫17.3度,中午高溫26.9度。 今天(5日)大陸冷氣團影響及華南雲雨區東移,臺南地區為陰天且有短暫雨, 清晨低溫約 17度,...

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R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...

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