Publications by Tony Hirst

Segmenting F1 Qualifying Session Laptimes


I’ve started scraping some FIA timing sheets again, including practice and qualifying session laptimes. One of the things I’d like to do is explore various ways of looking at the qualifying session laptimes, which means identifying which qualifying session each laptime falls into: For looking at session utilisation charts I’ve been making ...

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Iteratively Populating Templated Sentences With Inline R in knitr/Rmd


As part of the Wrangling F1 Data With R project, I want to be able to generate sentences iteratively from a templated base. The following recipe works for sentences included in an external file: What I’d really like to be able to do is put the Rmd template into a chunk something like this…: ```{rmd stintPara, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE} `r name`...

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Mixing Numbers and Symbols in Time Series Charts


One of the things I’ve been trying to explore with my #f1datajunkie projects are ways of representing information that work both in a glanceable way as well as repaying deeper reading. I’ve also been looking at various ways of using text labels rather than markers to provide additional information around particular data points. For example, i...

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A Couple of Handy ggplot Tricks – Using Environmental Variables and Saving Charts


A couple of handy tricks when working with ggplot that had escaped my radar until today. First up, I had a problem in a function I was using to generate a ggplot2 in which I wanted to accept a couple of optional arguments in to the function and then make use of them in a ggplot aes() element. Normally, ggplot will try to dereference a variable as...

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Wrangling Complex Spreadsheet Column Headers


[This isn’t an R post, per se, but I’m syndicating it via RBloggers because I’m interested – how do you work with hierarchical column indices in R? Do you try to reshape the data to something tidier on the way in? Can you autodetect elements to help with any reshaping?] Not a little p****d off by the Conservative election pledge to extend...

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Scraping Web Pages With R


One of the things I tend to avoid doing in R, partly because there are better tools elsewhere, is screenscraping. With the release of the new rvest package, I thought I’d have a go at what amounts to one of the simplest webscraping activites – grabbing HTML tables out of webpages. The tables I had in my sights (when I can actually find them�...

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Keeping Track of an Evolving “Top N” Cutoff Threshold Value


In a previous post (Charts are for Reading), I noted how it was difficult to keep track of which times in an F1 qualifying session had made the cutoff time as a qualifying session evolved. The problem can be stated as follows: in the first session, with 20 drivers competing, the 15 drivers with the best ranked laptime will make it into the next s...

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IPython Markdown Opportunities in IPython Notebooks and Rstudio


One of the reasons I started working on the Wrangling F1 Data With R book was to see what the Rmd (RMarkdown) workflow was like. Rmd allows you to combine markdown and R code in the same document, as well as executing the code blocks and then displaying the results of that code execution inline in the output document. As well as rendering to HTM...

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Notebooks, knitr and the Language-Markdown View Source Option…


One of the foundational principles of the web, though I suspect ever fewer people know it, is that you can “View Source” on a web page to see what bits of HTML, Javascript and CSS are used to create it. In the WordPress editor I’m currently writing in, I’m using a Text view that lets me write vanilla HTML; but there is also a WYSIWYG (wha...

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Spotting Potential Battles in F1 Races


Over the last couple of races, I’ve started trying to review a variety of battlemaps for various drivers in each race. Prompted by an email request for more info around the battlemaps, I generated a new sketch charting the on track gaps between each driver and the lap leader for each lap of the race (How the F1 Canadian Grand Prix Race Evolved ...

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