Publications by Timothée

A small and lonely sea urchin…


A few weeks ago, a paper on which I am a co-author was accepted for publication in the french ecological journal Life & Environment. In this paper, we evaluate the consequences of recreative harvesting on three populations of sea urchins in the Golfe du Lion, the northwestern part of the Mediterranean sea (at the border between France and Spain)....

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A quick ggplot2 hack (multiple dataframes)


I’m starting to get familiar with ggplot2, and I really like it. I just found a very quick way to use several dataframes within the same plot, provided that the dataframes share columns names. One obvious application is the production of graphs with the mean (obtained by aggregate) superposed to the original raw data. You can do this in ggplot2...

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A (fast!) null model of bipartite networks


One of the challenges for ecologists working with trophic/interaction networks is to understand their organization. One of the possible approaches is to compare them across a random model, with more or less constraints, in order to estimate the departure from randomness. To this effect, null models have been developed. The basic idea behind a nul...

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Did what you write drive what I read?


GoogleReader allows you to track your activity, by representing the number of news items read and published by day and by hour. I use it quite a lot to stay up to date with the scientific literature (I subscribed to probably over 30 journals) and a bunch of other feeds. Stuff tend to accumulate faster in my unread folder, so I often have a lot of...

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Model for nothing – and the bootstrap for free


Reconstructing phylogenies is an interesting task, sadly one that often requires to navigate between a multitude of software. To add an unnecessary layer of complexity to the whole thing, most of these softwares speaks different languages, and requires the user to do endless conversions from fasta to phylip to nexus to whatever new format they ma...

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