Publications by Thom Baguley

R code for p curves


I have finally got around to posting the R code for my p curve simulation. Those familiar with R will realize how crude it is (I've been caught up with other urgent stuff and had no time to explore further). You are welcome to play with (and improve!) the code. Changing delta will alter the (at present) fixed effect size. It would be more realis...

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p curves revisited


I finally found some time to take a closer look at p curves. I haven’t had a chance to follow-up my simulations (and probably won’t for a few weeks if not months), but I have had time to think through the ideas the p curve approach raises based on some of the comments I’ve received and a brief exchange with Uri Simonsohn (who has answered a...

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Graphing between-subject confidence intervals for ANOVA


This is a quick follow up to my earlier post that discussed how to graph CIs for within-subjects (repeated measures) ANOVA designs. My forthcoming book Serious stats describes how to do this for between-subjects designs (a much simpler problem). The blog that accompanies the book now has a post summarizing the main options and explaining how to...

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Serious stats – free statistics resources


The companion web site for Serious Stats is now live: web site includes:– a free sample chapter (Chapter 15: Contrasts)– data sets– R scripts– 5 online supplements (for meta-analysis, multiple imputation, replication probabilities, pseudo-R squared and loglinear models)Also don’t...

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The aesthetics of error bars


This blog and my other main blog (the companion blog for my book) are now syndicated via R-bloggers (posts tagged R only) and The latter is a relatively new blog aggregator but looks to have some interesting content. R-bloggers it quite well established and I was already an occasional reader.Looking at some recent cont...

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The stimuli-as-fixed-effect fallacy


Neuroskeptic has just blogged on a new paper by Judd, Westfall and Kenny on Treating stimuli as a random factor in social psychology: A new and comprehensive solution to a pervasive but largely ignored problem. I can’t access the original paper (which is supposed to be available via my University but hasn’t appeared yet …) but I know a li...

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Guest post: Visualizing data using a 3D printer


In a break from my usual obsessions and interests here is a guest blog post by Ian Walker. I’m posting it because I think it is rather cool and hope it will be of interest to some of my regular readers. Ian is perhaps best known (in the blogosphere) for his work on transport psychology – particularly cycling – but is also an expert on psyc...

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Serious stats: using multilevel models to get accurate inferences for repeated measures ANOVA


This article from my other blog may be of interest to readers of this blog: Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Psychological Statistics. R...

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Cronbach to the future


One fascinating thing about working in the area of psychological statistics is how hard it is to move people away from reliance on bad, inefficient or otherwise problematic methods. My own view – informed to some extent by the literature, by experience and by anecdote is that it isn’t sufficient merely to establish than the standa...

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Stop Press: Additional dates for the 2016 Prior Exposure Bayesian Data Analysis workshops


Places on the Easter Prior Exposure (introductory) workshops filled up very quickly and we had to turn away quite a few people. In response we’ve managed to arrange another set of events on 16 and 17 June (again with an optional R bootcamp on June 15th). Booking is now open: of the R bootcamp are...

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