Publications by Thinking inside the box
Rcpp now used by 250 CRAN packages
Rcpp reached a nice round milestone yesterday: 250 packages on CRAN now depend on it (as measured by Depends, Imports and LinkingTo declarations). The graph is on the left depicts the growth of Rcpp over time. Or at least since I started to write down some usage numbers: first informally, then via a script. A...
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RcppArmadillo 0.4.400.0
After two pre-releases in the last few days, Conrad finalised a new Armadillo version 4.400 today. I had kept up with the pre-releases, tested twice against all eighty (!!) CRAN dependents of RcppArmadillo and have hence uploaded RcppArmadillo 0.4.400.0 to CRAN and into Debian. This release brings a number of new upstream features which are ...
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A new upstream release of the Eigen C++ template library for linear algebra was released a few days ago. And Yixuan Qiu did some really nice work rolling this into a new RcppEigen released and then sent me a nice pull requent. The new version is now on CRAN, and I will prepare a Debian in a moment too. Upstream changes for Eigen are summariz...
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BH release 1.54.0-4
Another small new release of our BH package providing Boost headers for use by R is now on CRAN. This one brings a one-file change: the file any.hpp comprising the Boost.Any library — as requested by a fellow package maintainer needing it for a pending upload to CRAN. No other changes were made. Changes in version 1.54.0-4 (2014-08-29) Ad...
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littler 0.2.0
We are happy to announce a new release of littler. A few minor things have changes since the last release: A few new examples were added or updated, including use of the fabulous new docopt package by Edwin de Jonge which makes command-line parsing a breeze. Other new examples show simple calls to help with sweave, knitr, roxygen2, ...
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littler is faster at doing nothing!
With yesterday’s announcement of littler 0.2.0, I kept thinking about a few not-so-frequently-asked but recurring questions about littler. And an obvious one if of course the relationship to Rscript. As we have pointed out before, littler preceded Rscript. Now, with Rscript being present in every R installation, it is of course by now more wide...
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pkgKitten 0.1.1: Still creating R Packages that purr
A maintenance release 0.1.1 of pkgKitten is now on CRAN. It has only one small change: the function playWithPerPackageHelpPage() was factored out of the main function kitten() as I happened to be needing something just like playWithPerPackageHelpPage() to make packages created by the Rcpp function Rcpp.package.skeleton() a little nicer. We also a...
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pkgKitten 0.1.2: Still creating R Packages that purr
A brown bag release 0.1.2 of pkgKitten is now on CRAN, following yesterday’s 0.1.1 upload Next time I’ll try to remember that when I have parameters name and path, it won’t work so well to call them as path and name … Changes in version 0.1.2 (2014-09-11) Brown-bag fix of calling the new helper function with then correct order of argume...
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RcppArmadillo 0.4.450.1.0
Continuing with his standard pace of approximately one new version per month, Conrad released a new minor release of Armadillo a few days ago. As before, I had created a GitHub-only pre-release which was tested against all eighty-seven (!!) CRAN dependents of our RcppArmadillo package and then uploaded RcppArmadillo 0.4.450.0 to CRAN. The CRAN ma...
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R and Docker
Earlier this evening I gave a short talk about R and Docker at the September Meetup of the Docker Chicago group. Thanks to Karl Grzeszczak for setting the meeting, and for providing a pretty thorough intro talk regarding CoreOS and Docker. My slides are now up on my presentations page. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow th...
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