Publications by Thinking inside the box

inline 0.3.7


A bug-fix release 0.3.7 of inline is now on CRAN and at Debian. It fixes a minor bug: when package.skeleton() was called to convert one or more functions created with this package into a package, the corner case of just a single submitted function failed. This is now corrected. Otherwise this release is unchanged from the previous release 0.3.6 ...

786 sym

RcppArmadillo 0.2.9


The new version 0.2.9 of RcppArmadillo has been uploaded to CRAN. The only change is an update of the included Armadillo template library to version 0.9.92 which Conrad released this week. RcppArmadillo makes it easy to write highly efficient and highly readable C++ code for linear algebra (based on Armadillo) in R extensions (using Rcpp for th...

1006 sym R (182 sym/1 pcs)

RcppArmadillo 0.2.10


Conrad Sanderson released version 1.0.0 of Armadillo, his templated C++ library for linear algebra, earlier this week. So congratulations to Conrad on reaching 1.0.0! I folded his version 1.0.0 into a new release 0.2.10 of RcppArmadillo, our Rcpp-based integration into R. Other small changes comprises a small fix to the build process, and additio...

1133 sym R (1386 sym/2 pcs)

RQuantLib 0.3.5


The new RQuantLib release 0.3.5 is now on CRAN and in Debian. RQuantLib combines (some of) the quantitative analytics of QuantLib with the R statistical computing environment and language. Most of the changes were made two and four weeks ago: first in response to some warnings triggered by R 2.12.0 on the included manual pages which needed a ...

1815 sym

RcppGSL 0.1.0


Earlier in the year, Romain and I did a bunch of initial work on a wrapper from R to the GNU GSL by way of our Rcpp package for seamless R and C++ integration. But other work kept us busy and this fell a little to the side. We have now found some time to finish this work for a first release, together with a nicely detailed eleven page package v...

3289 sym Python (728 sym/1 pcs)

inline 0.3.8


Romain pushed verion 0.3.8 of inline to CRAN earlier today, and I just updated the Debian package. This version adds an internal performance enhancement which is obtained by making due with fewer reads. The short NEWS file entry follows: 0.3.8 2010-12-07 o faster cfunction and cxxfunction by loading and resolving the routine at...

650 sym R (124 sym/1 pcs)

RcppDE 0.1.0


A new package RcppDE has been uploaded in a first version 0.1.0 to CRAN. It provides differential evolution optimisation—a variant of stochastic optimisation that is similar to genetic algorithms but particularly suitable for the floating-point representations common in numerical optimisation. It builds of on the nice DEoptim package by Ardia ...

3552 sym

Introduction to ESS: talk and slides


We had another meeting of the Chicago R User Group last evening. This was scheduled somewhat belatedly once we learned that Drew Conway would be in town. Drew gave a very nice talk about his brand new infochimps package (for accessing the eponymous infochimps data service and marketplace). Slides are available on Drew’s blog. In fact, he had...

1866 sym

Rcpp 0.9.0 and RcppClassic 0.9.0


A new release 0.9.0 of Rcpp is now available at CRAN and has just been uploaded to Debian. As always, sources are also available from my local directory here. With this release, the older API which we have been referring to as the classic Rcpp API has been split off into its own new package RcppClassic to ensure backwards compatibility. Rcpp...

1390 sym Python (1262 sym/1 pcs)

RcppExamples 0.1.2


A new version of our RcppExamples, package is now on CRAN. RcppExamples contains a few illustrations of how to use Rcpp. It grew out of documentation for the classic API (now in its own package RcppClassic) and we added more functions documenting how to do the same with the new API we have been focusing on for the last year or so. One of the...

1180 sym Python (1496 sym/1 pcs)