Publications by Thiemo Fetzer
Stacking Regressions: Latex Tables with R and stargazer
In my paper on the impact of the shale oil and gas boom in the US, I run various instrumental variables specifications. For these, it is nice to stack the regression results one on the other – in particular, to have one row for the IV results, one row for the Reduced Form and maybe one row for plain OLS to see how the IV may turn coefficients a...
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Deploying Shiny Server on Amazon: Some Troubleshoots and Solutions
I really enjoyed Treb Allen‘s tutorial on deploying a Shiny server on an Amazon Cloud Instance. I used this approach for my shiny app that is a map highlighting the economic impact of the recent shale oil and gas boom on the places where the actual extraction happens. The easiest way to proceed is to use the AMI Image, which basically is like a...
4620 sym R (763 sym/3 pcs) 2 img
Is rainfall reporting endogenous to conflict?
For my paper on the impact of social insurance on the dynamics of conflict in India, I use some new remote sensed weather data. The data comes from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellites. The satellite carries a set of five instruments, and is essentially a rainfall radar located in outer space. As a robustness check I needed...
3777 sym R (1521 sym/1 pcs)
Shifting Centre of Gravity of US Fossil Fuel Production
My research Fracking Growth investigates the localised impacts of the current oil and gas production boom in the US. The boom is triggered by extraction of oil and gas deposits, that were previously not possible to exploit. The shale deposits have become technologically recoverable due to a combination of horizontal drilling technology and hydra...
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Fracking in your neighborhood? Shale- Oil and Gas Economic Impact Map
I have been working on a visualisation to highlight the results from my paper Fracking Growth, to highlight the local economic impact of the recent oil and gas boom in the US. There are two key insights. First, there are strong spillover effects from the oil and gas sector. I estimate that every oil and gas sector job created roughly 2.17 other...
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Spatial Clustering: Conley Standard Errors for R
I have been working quite a lot with climate and weather data, to study the impact of rainfall shocks on violence in India and how this relationship changed, after the social insurance scheme NREGA was introduced. In my context, it becomes particularly relevant to adjust for spatial correlation if you find yourself in a situation when you have �...
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Leveraging R for Econ Job Market
I wanted to describe a little helper I am using to help refine the places I want to apply at since I am going to be on the Economics Job Market this year. The two main websites were job openings are advertised are: EconJobMarket Job Openings for Economists Now JOE has a really nice feature where you can download simply all job openings into a n...
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Leveraging R for Job Openings for Economists
Quite a few people emailed me regarding my post on Econ Job Market. This post is about how you can use very basic and simple R tools to help you in sorting through the Job Openings for Economists list from the American Economic Association.This definitely helped me in developing my spreadsheet of places to apply for. Before I begin I would like t...
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Mobility from Mobile Phones
I have worked on big data in my work with QuBit in London. In my research I increasingly find the tools I learnt there to be extremely useful. The keywords are smart data management for big data, such as hadoop and hive for querying just the right set of data to work with. I am currently working on Mobile Phone usage data provided by Orange Seneg...
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Correction For Spatial And Temporal Auto-Correlation In Panel Data: Using R To Estimate Spatial HAC Errors Per Conley
Darin Christensen and Thiemo Fetzer tl;dr: Fast computation of standard errors that allows for serial and spatial auto-correlation. Economists and political scientists often employ panel data that track units (e.g., firms or villages) over time. When estimating regression models using such data, we often need to be concerned about two forms of ...
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