Publications by The USGS OWI blog
Visualizing Tropical Storm Colin Precipitation using geoknife
Tropical Storm Colin (TS Colin) made landfall on June 6 in western Florida. The storm moved up the east coast, hitting Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. We can explore the impacts of TS Colin using open data and R. Using the USGS-R geoknife package, we can pull precipitation data by county. First, we created two functions. One to fetch...
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Using Random Residuals for Censored Data in EGRET
EGRET is an R-package for the analysis of long-term changes in water quality and streamflow, and includes the water-quality method Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS). It is available on CRAN. More information can be found at Introduction When censored data are present in a water quality da...
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EGRET plotFlowConc using ggplot2
Marcus Beck (USEPA) Laura DeCicco (USGS-OWI) Introduction EGRET is an R-package for the analysis of long-term changes in water quality and streamflow, and includes the water-quality method Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS). It is available on CRAN. More information can be found at ggplo...
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Using Leaflet and htmlwidgets in a Hugo blog post
We are excited to use many of the JavaScript data visualizations in R using the htmlwidgets package in future blog posts. Having decided on using Hugo, one of our first tasks was to figure out a fairly straightforward way to incorporate these widgets. This post describes the basic process to get a basic leaflet map in our Hugo-generated blog post...
1777 sym R (1052 sym/5 pcs)
Accessing LOCA Downscaling Via OPeNDAP and the Geo Data Portal with R.
Introduction In this example, we will use the R programming language to access LOCA data via the OPeNDAP web service interface using the ncdf4 package then use the geoknife package to access LOCA data using the Geo Data Portal as a geoprocessing service. More examples like this can be found at the Geo Data Portal wiki. A number of other packages ...
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Using the dataRetrieval Stats Service
Introduction This script utilizes the new dataRetrieval package access to the USGS Statistics Web Service. We will be pulling daily mean data using the daily value service in readNWISdata, and using the stats service data to put it in the context of the site’s history. Here we are retrieving data for July 12th in the Upper Midwest, where a majo...
2887 sym R (4638 sym/3 pcs) 1 img
The case for reproducibility
Science is hard. Why make it harder? Scientists and researchers spend a lot of time on data preparation and analysis, and some of these analyses are quite computationally intensive. The amount of time required to conduct an analysis grows for the increased complexity of calculations, amount of data, and number of datasets that will be analyzed. M...
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Calculating Moving Averages and Historical Flow Quantiles
This post will show simple way to calculate moving averages, calculate historical-flow quantiles, and plot that information. The goal is to reproduce the graph at this link: PA Graph. The motivation for this post was inspired by a USGS colleague that that is considering creating these type of plots in R. We thought this plot provided an especiall...
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Seasonal Analysis in EGRET
Introduction This document describes how to obtain seasonal information from the R package EGRET – Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends: An R-package for the analysis of long-term changes in water quality and streamflow, including the water-quality method Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) For example, we might wan...
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The National Map Base Maps
A number of map services are offered through The National Map (TNM). There are no use restrictions on these services. However, map content is limited to the United States and Territories. This post explains how to integrate TNM services within your own interactive web map using Leaflet for R. R packages required for this tutorial include leaflet,...
2714 sym R (4128 sym/13 pcs)