Publications by Tal Galili
List of useful RStudio addins made by useRs (a github repo)
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] Dean Attali started a GitHub repo listing RStudio addins, with the hope that other useRs will add to the list and make it a place to discover addins. Feel free to browse for useful addins, or make a pull request to add your own addin to the list. Here are the current items on the...
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10 new R jobs from around the world (2016-04-04)
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] R-users Resumes features a Resume section with CVs from over 180 R users. You can submit your resume for free by registering as a “job seeker” (you may also browse the resumes through a paid subscription). Here are the new R Jobs for 2016-04-04. To post yo...
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eRum 2016 (european R users meeting) – invited speakers
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] eRum 2016 will take place in the beautiful city of Poznań, Poland, betweenOctober 12th and 14th, and we already have confirmed invited speakers such as Rasmus Bååth (Lund University Cognitive Science) Romain Francois (r-enthusiasts) ...
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7 new R jobs from around the world (2016-04-18)
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] R-users Resumes The resume section features CVs from over 200 R users. You can submit your resume for free (as a “job seeker”). You may also browse the resumes. Here are the new R Jobs for 2016-04-18. To post your R job on the next post Just visit this link and post a...
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Fast csv writing for R
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] Guest post by Matt Dowle. This post was first published on the H2O blog, please go there to leave a comment. R has traditionally been very slow at reading and writing csv files of, say, 1 million rows or more. Getting data into R is often the first task a user needs to do and if t...
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New package: weightr (v. 1.0.0)
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] This is a re-post of Dr. Jack Vevea email to the R packages mailing list Greetings, R users! I’m excited and pleased to announce that the weightr package was released to CRAN today: Our package provides a function for meta...
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rPref 1.0 – Computing Pareto Optima and Database Preferences
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] This is a re-post from the R packages mailing list Dear R users, the first 1.0 version of the rPref package is now on CRAN. rPref allows to select the Pareto-optimal tuples from a data set, also called Skylines in the database community. For example, optimal tuples from mtcar...
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New R package for K-S goodness-of-fit tests
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] This is a re-post from the R packages mailing list Greetings, We wanted to announce a new R package ‘KScorrect’ that carries out the Lilliefors correction to the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test for use in (one-sample) goodness-of-fit tests. It’s well-established it’s inappro...
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R 3.3.0 is released!
R 3.3.0 (codename “Supposedly Educational”) was released today. You can get the latest binaries version from here. (or the .tar.gz source code from here). The full list of new features and bug fixes is provided below. Upgrading to R 3.3.0 on Windows If you are using Windows you can easily upgrade to the latest version of R using the ins...
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acs version 2.0: an R package to download and analyze data from the US Census
[social4i size=”large” align=”float-right”] This is a re-post from the R packages mailing list We are pleased to announce the release of version 2.0 of the “acs” package, now available on CRAN <>. The package allows users to download, manipulate, analyze, and pre...
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