Publications by Tal Galili

Theil’s Blus Residuals and R Tools for Testing and Removing Autocorrelation and Heteroscedasticity


Guest post by Hrishikesh (Rick) D. Vinod, Professor of Economics, Fordham University. Theil (1968) proposed a transformation of regression residuals so that they are best, unbiased, linear, scalar (BLUS). No R code is available to implement them. I am providing the detailed description of the properties of BLUS residuals to the un...

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Announcing The Pooled Resources Open Access ALS Clinical Trial (PRO-ACT) database


Prize4Life, and NEALS are proud to announce the launch of the Pooled Resources Open Access ALS Clinical Trial (PRO-ACT) database. It is a database of ALS clinical trials and contains 8500+ patients records, and over 8 million data points, making is not only the biggest AS clinical trial database currently available, but one of the largest clinica...

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R jobs (April 7th 2014)


Last month I announced the launch of, a new R jobs website for R users, called: My intention is to post new jobs on r-bloggers around twice a month. You are invited to use this link, to post new a R job (it’s free). Registration takes less than 10 seconds. Here are the new R jobs for 2014-04-07: Full-TimeStaff...

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R 3.1.0 is released!


R 3.1.0 (codename “Spring Dance“) was released today! Photo credit: The Batsheva Dance Company in Ohad Naharin’s Hora. Photo by Gadi Dagon. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due cou...

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R jobs (April 22nd 2014)


This is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-04-22), based on the R-bloggers’ sister website: If you are an employer who is looking to hire people from the R community, please visit this link to post a new R job (it’s free, and registration takes less than 10 seconds). If you are a job seekers, please follow...

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useR!2014 at UCLA is open for registration


The Organizing Committee of userR!2014 at UCLA, to be held June 30th through July 3rd, is pleased to announce the opening of registration on its website: Discounted prices for early registration are effective through 5/10/14, after which regular registration prices will be in place. The specific program sch...

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R jobs (May 5th 2014)


A short update: in the past month, has received between 200 to 400 views a day, and 1,000 to 2,000 views after the bimonthly R Jobs post is published on r-bloggers. Below is the site stats for the past month (click for a larger image): That said, this is the bimonthly R Jobs post (for 2014-05-05), based on the R-bloggers’ si...

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The RSelenium R Package (Free Webinar)


The Orange County R User Group (OC-RUG) will soon host a free webinar on the new “RSelenium” R Package which provides a set of R bindings for the Selenium 2.0 webdriver using the JsonWireProtocol. Using RSelenium, you can automate web browsers locally or remotely in order to test various web apps, such as Shiny applications – for example. ...

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EARL Conference, London 15-17 September 2014


By Liz Matthews. EARL (Effective Applications of the R Language) is a brand new conference and the first to focus on the growing commercial usage of R.   More and more companies are recognizing the strategic value of R for their data analysis and benefitting from its ease of use, the vast and growing number of packages available a...

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Validation? Why Bother?


By Kate Hanley. I may be biased, but I strongly believe that R is one of the best tools out there for performing statistical analyses and related tasks. It is driven by academia, so cutting-edge methods are available quickly and painlessly, and many of the world’s foremost statistics and data mining experts are using and developing...

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