Publications by TLamkin
HW 2
HW2 reading in 2 clean data sets and one untidy dataset TLamkin 2022-02-09 INTRODUCTION This is an example of reading in 3 files of data: Clean CSV Clean Excel Uncleaned Excel Load Necessary Packages & Libraries and Load Clean CSV & Excel The first step is verifying that working directory and library directory are set to the same path. T...
1428 sym R (16733 sym/37 pcs)
HW1 on RPubs
INTRO Trying to get a project to publish on my GitHub repository Addition Addition, for example: 5+4 ## [1] 9 9+2 ## [1] 11 Subraction Subraction, for example: 5-4 ## [1] 1 9-2 ## [1] 7 Radius Radius of a circle, for example: x <- 5 # radius of a circle x**2 * pi ## [1] 78.53982 ...
197 sym R (99 sym/10 pcs) 1 img
HW1 - TLamkin
HW1 General Markdown File for Distill TLamkin 2022-02-09 INTRODUCTION Trying to get a project to publish on RPub and then, hopefully, my GitHub repository Addition Addition, for example: 1+1 [1] 2 Subraction Subraction, for example: 5-4 [1] 1 9-2 [1] 7 Radius Radius of a circle, for example: x <- 5 # radius of a circle x**2 *...
312 sym R (83 sym/9 pcs) 1 img
Homework #4
HW4 Statistical Review and Visualization of School Compensations Data from 20218-19 TLamkin 2022-02-22 INTRODUCTION The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education publishes data related to teacher pay rates. These are made available at My goal was to examine data by providi...
2717 sym R (9289 sym/40 pcs) 5 img
HW3 A Review of Massachusetts 12th Grade Dropout Rates v. Teacher & Guidance Salaries TLamkin 2022-02-16 INTRODUCTION The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education publishes data related to high school student drop-out rates as well as teacher pay rates. These are made available in separate datasets. (https://www.doe.m...
1786 sym R (9555 sym/23 pcs) 2 img
Homework #5
HW5 Manipulating Active Duty Data TLamkin 2022-03-06 INTRODUCTION This homework demonstrates the tidy-ing and manipulation of the Total Department of Defense active miliary marital data. It shows the use of functions from the following packages: STRINGR TIDYVERSE DPLYR GGPLOT2 Checking the Environment I like to verify that my working dir...
1885 sym R (5701 sym/18 pcs) 1 img
HW 6
HW6 Manipulating 20 Years of Natural Gas Data TLamkin 2022-03-27 INTRODUCTION This homework demonstrates the tidy-ing and manipulation of 20 years of natural gas production and price data using a variety of packages including: STRINGR TIDYVERSE DPLYR GGPLOT2 MATRIXSTATS The goal of this analysis was to: - Examine the fluctuation in natur...
2613 sym R (20006 sym/36 pcs) 4 img
HW #7
HW6 Manipulating 19 Years of Natural Gas Data TLamkin 2022-04-06 Contents INTRODUCTION Checking the Environment FUNCTIONS Loading the Data Production Data Price Data Merge Datasets Together Summary Sets Summarize by Year Summarize by Month Pivot: Summarize the Pivoted Data: Graphs: Monthly Averages Presented Differently Yearly Avera...
4393 sym R (12103 sym/38 pcs) 5 img
Final Project - A Review of Natural Gas
Final Project 19 Years of Natural Gas Data TLamkin 2022-05-13 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Establishing the Environment 2.1 FUNCTIONS 3 Loading the Data 3.1 Production Data 3.2 Price Data 3.3 Import Data 4 Merge Datasets Together 5 Analysis 5.1 Summarize by Year 5.2 Summarize by Month 6 Pivot the Data 6.1 Looking Deeper at State Data ...
8382 sym R (14576 sym/34 pcs) 15 img 2 tbl