Publications by Swimming + Data Science
High School Swimming State-Off Tournament California (1) vs. Pennsylvania (5)
Here we have it, the last meet of the State-Off semi-final round, where California (1) takes on the Cinderella story that is Pennsylvania (5) for a trip to the finals. Don’t forget to update your version of SwimmeR to 0.4.1, because we’ll be using some newly released functions. We’ll also do some more plotting/data-vis and use prop.test to ...
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High School Swimming State-Off Tournament Championship California (1) vs. Texas (2)
This is it folks, the big one, the finals of the State-Off Tournament, where we’ll see California (1) take on Texas (2) for high school swimming superiority. We’ll also use a t-test to determine whether or not swimmers actually swim faster in finals sessions, when the pressure is on. Oh and it’s so on! library(SwimmeR) library(dplyr) librar...
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High School Swimming State Off Tournament Conclusion and Battle Royale
Welcome to the final post in the State-Off Tournament series. This will be a battle royale meet, with each of the 8 State-Off states competing against all the others at once (or in swimming terms, this is an invitational style meet). We’ll also reexamine the seeding assumptions from the beginning of the State-Off and discuss how Pearson’s and...
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Where Are All The 10s – Diving Math
Welcome to another case study here at Swimming + Data Science. We’re returning the world of diving, a place we’ve visited before, in an attempt to answer the question “where are all the 10s?” Today’s data science component will consist of matching calculated values to sets of allowed solutions, plus some tidyverse style data wrangling a...
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New International Swimming League Season – New Version(s) of SwimmeR
Welcome back to Swimming + Data Science friends. Last week something exciting happened – two things actually! First, the International Swimming League kicked off its 2020 season in Budapest. Second, and directly related, I released version 0.5.0 of SwimmeR to CRAN with functions to read ISL results from the inaugural 2019 season and from the ne...
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A CRAN Downloads Experiment
I’ve done an experiment regarding package downloads from CRAN (or the RStudio CRAN mirror at least) and now it’s time to share the results. library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(purrr) library(dlstats) library(flextable) flextable_style <- function(x) { x %>% flextable() %>% bold(part = "header") %>% # bold header bg(bg = "#D...
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Scrapping Websites and Building a Large Dataset with SwimmeR
Today we’re going to use SwimmeR to build a large database of results – that’s the overall goal. Having a more specific goal in mind can be useful though, so here goes. My wife is a college administrator. It’s part of her job to keep up on what Kids These Days (TM) are doing and one thing they’re apparently doing is getting participatio...
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Tidy Troubles and SwimmeR does the Splits – v0.6.0
If you’re only going to read one line of this post let it be this one: v0.6.0 of SwimmeR is now available from CRAN and it’s better now than ever before. But don’t just stop at one line though, grab that update and come along on this journey, deep into the heart of SwimmeR. library(SwimmeR) library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(flextable)...
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Dataset of All ISL Results Season 1 and 2
The second ISL season wrapped up a couple of weeks ago, meaning that now we’re in the off-season. I loved watching the CBC’s coverage of the ISL. The races were exciting, the swimmers seemed like they were having a great time, they were absolutely swimming great times. My other sporting love is the NBA and I massively enjoyed the games in the...
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