Publications by Steven Mosher

Global done!


Over the past few weeks I’ve been working at getting Moshtemp to work entirely in the raster package. I’ve been aided greatly by the author of that package, Robert, who has been turning out improvements to the package with regularity. For a while I was a bit stymied by some irregularities in getting source from R Forge, so I turned to other w...

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Damn Close 5.0


Code will be in the drop box in a bit, once I shower:  [DONE] This is a wholesale replacement of previous versions, completely rewritten in raster. It will be the base going forward. All of the analysis routines will be rewritten using raster.  For time series functionality I will continue to use zoo as that package rocks and Gabor is a great h...

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A couple hours work and we now have animations of the global anomalies: Created with the animation package in R.  The code examples were a bit terse about some of the details but after fiddling about I was able to get  the program to output an Html animation complete with java based playback controls. Write if you wanna know how it works and I�...

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Some Oddities with cooling stations


Now, that  the whole analysis has been moved to raster, I took some time to play around with a question that has interested  a couple of people. Cool stations. A while back when I was looking at ways of bounding uncertainties in the record I went on a hunt for the station that cooled the most and the station that warmed the most. A few weeks la...

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Cooling stations. A UHI Hint


Update: google earth files in the box: Personally I like to look at things backwards. Why are cool sites cool? So download the kml or kmz file and you can tour 62 sites: All with 90 years of data or more. All with a cooling trend. And all “supposedly” urban. what do you see at the meso scale. Anyway’s The next drop will have the animation c...

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Moshtemp 5.1


Time for another dump of the entire package. Get the zip file 5.1 in the box to the right. ( shortly). unzip and run the following files if you havent already: 1. downloadall.R 2. setup.R If you are running for the first time, You’ll note I added diagnostics. Sometimes the files get corrupted on download and these files will help me figure out ...

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Just a short update on ICOADS. I started out an ICOADS project with grand plan to reprocess the observation files into a “raster” format. That ends up being a really big job. Along the way I had to learn a new package Rcurl and relearn some old Unix skills for compiling RCurl. Along the way I found more R tricks for doing things but I hit a b...

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V3 Station mash up


Hmm, lets see how a fusion table works with map maker. The process works like this. We read in the GHCN inventory file into R. ( see code below ) We then clean it up ( the names fields and missing values) and we output it to a  *csv  file. Then open the csv in excell and save it as XLS. ( I can avoid this step in the future by exporting xls dir...

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Those who follow the discussions about UHI understand that “nightlights” plays a large role in defining whether or not a station is considered Rural or Urban. In the work of GISS nightlights are determined by looking at the DSMP product. The product is available in 30 arcsecond format. That’s .00833 degrees. The following issue arises. The ...

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Nightlights II


I’ve modified some routines so that we are always grabbing a roughly equal area regardless of the latitude. Basically, you do this: getLonScaleFactor <- function(lat){ kmAtEq <-111.3195 kmAtLat <- 111.41288*cos(lat*DEGREES.TO.RADIANS)-.09350*cos(3*lat*DEGREES.TO.RADIANS)+0.00012*cos(5*lat*DEGREES.TO.RADIANS) return(kmAtEq/kmAtLat) } # the...

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