Publications by Scott Chamberlain

Parse NOAA Integrated Surface Data Files


A new package isdparser is on CRAN. isdparser was in part liberated from rnoaa, then improved. We'll use isdparser in rnoaa soon. isdparser does not download files for you from NOAA's ftp servers. The package focuses on parsing the files, which are variable length ASCII strings stored line by line, where each line has some mandatory data, and any...

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crul – an HTTP client


A new package crul is on CRAN. crul is another HTTP client for R, but is relatively simplified compared to httr, and is being built to link closely with webmockr and vcr. webmockr and vcr are packages ported from Ruby's webmock and vcr, respectively. They both make mocking HTTP requests really easy. A major use case for mocking HTTP requests is f...

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fauxpas – HTTP conditions package


HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a protocol by which most of us interact with the web. When we do requests to a website in a browser on desktop or mobile, or get some data from a server in R, all of that is using HTTP. HTTP has a rich suite of status codes describing different HTTP conditions, ranging from Success to various client er...

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The rOpenSci geospatial suite


Geospatial data – data embedded in a spatial context – is used across disciplines, whether it be history, biology, business, tech, public health, etc. Along with community contributors, we're working on a suite of tools to make working with spatial data in R as easy as possible. If you're not familiar with geospatial tools, it's helpful to se...

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finch – parse Darwin Core files


finch has just been released to CRAN (binaries should be up soon). finch is a package to parse Darwin Core files. Darwin Core is: a body of standards. It includes a glossary of terms (in other contexts these might be called properties, elements, fields, columns, attributes, or concepts) intended to facilitate the sharing of information about bi...

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Package evolution – changing stuff in your package


Making packages is a great way to organize R code, whether it’s a set of scripts for personal use, a set of functions for internal company use or a lab group, or to distribute your new cool framework foobar to the masses. There's a number of guides to writing packages, including As you develop packages there's a number...

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ccafs – client for CCAFS General Circulation Models data


I've recently released the new package ccafs, which provides access to data from Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS; General Circulation Models (GCM) data. GCM's are a particular type of climate model, used for weather forecasting, and climate change forecasting – read more at https://en.wikipedia.or...

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Unconf projects 2: checkers, gramr, data-packages, exploRingJSON


Following up on Stefanie's recap of unconf 17, we are following up this entire week with summaries of projects developed at the event. We plan to highlight 4-5 projects each day, with detailed posts from a handful of teams to follow. checkers Summary: checkers is a framework for reviewing analysis projects. It provides automated checks for best p...

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Unconf projects 4: cityquant, notary, packagemetrics, pegax


Continuing our series of blog posts (day 1, day 2, day 3) this week about unconf 17. cityquant Summary: The goal with the cityquant project was to build a digital dashboard for sustainable cities. They also had a “spin-off” project called selfquant to get data from a quantified self google sheets template to keep track of weekly performanc...

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All the fake data that’s fit to print


charlatan makes fake data. Excited to annonunce a new package called charlatan. While perusing packages from other programming languages, I saw a neat Python library called faker. charlatan is inspired from and ports many things from Python's library. In turn, faker was inspired from PHP's faker, Perl's Faker, and ...

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