Publications by S. Richter-Walsh

ggplot2 style plotting in Python


R is my language of choice for data science but a good data scientist should have some knowledge of all of the great tools available to them. Recently, I have been gleefully using Python for machine learning problems (specifically pandas and the wonderful scikit-learn). However, for all its greatness, I couldn’t help but feel it lacks a bit in ...

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Bland-Altman/Tukey Mean-Difference Plots using ggplot2


A very useful data visualisation tool in science, particularly in medical and sports settings, is the Bland-Altman/Tukey Mean-Difference plot. When comparing two sets of measurements for the same variable made by different instruments, it is often required to determine whether the instruments are in agreement or not. Correlation and linear regres...

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Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Linear Regression in R


Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) linear regression is a statistical technique used for the analysis and modelling of linear relationships between a response variable and one or more predictor variables. If the relationship between two variables appears to be linear, then a straight line can be fit to the data in order to model the relationship. The l...

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Useful dplyr Functions (w/examples)


The R package dplyr is an extremely useful resource for data cleaning, manipulation, visualisation and analysis. It contains a large number of very useful functions and is, without doubt, one of my top 3 R packages today (ggplot2 and reshape2 being the others). When I was learning how to use dplyr for the first time, I used DataCamp which offers ...

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Cats are great and so is the forcats R package


Cats are great. Perhaps Hadley Wickham and Lionel Henry think so too given the wonderful choice of name for their purrr package. Hadley Wickham has also created a superb package called forcats, likely  an abbreviation of “for categoricals” but wittingly cat-themed, which is very, very useful to the data scientist. In the data science profess...

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