Publications by S.S. Rebelious
R-commander installation in openSUSE
Thanks to this post I was able to install R-commander in openSUSE. I’ve modified recipe a bit and don’t want to search for it the next time.You have to perform several steps:Install R-base and R-base-devel packages from here. Install gfortran :~> sudo zypper install gcc-fortran:~> su[as root] start R : # RIn R console type > install.packa...
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Relation Between Fires and Distanse to the Nearest Highway
Instead of introduction Just for fun I decided to investigate relationship between fires intensity in Leningrad region (and St. Petersburg as well) and distance to the nearest road in order to gain the evidence of the major influence of the anthropogenic factor on fire starting.Materials and methodsData used:FIRMS fire data;OSM data from GIS-LAB....
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Relation Between Fires and Distanse to the Nearest Road (Recalculated)
As you may already know, I’m a proud owner of AMD FX-8150 8-core CPU. And I’ve purchased it not for gaming reasons, but for science. My previous CPU was painfully slow with such calculations as determination of the relation between fires and distance to the nearest highway. I even didn’t try to perform that calculations on the whole dataset...
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Methodology for Assessment of Environmental Risk Caused by Fires at Illegal Dumps
It’s actually already two month old news, but my research “Developement of the Universal Methodology for Assessement of Environmental Risk Caused by Fires at Illegal Dumps” (download in RUSSIAN), that was made special for Fire Monitoring Challenge (by GIS-Lab, Microsoft, NEXTGIS, several universities and GIS/spatial data corporations), was...
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Spatial Randomness Evaluation in R: Monte Carlo Test
This post is a some kind of reply to this one.So our goal is to determine whether our point process is random or not. We will use R and spatstat package in particular. Spatstat provides a very handy function for this, that uses K-function combined with Monte Carlo tests. I will spear you from burbling about theory behind it – the necessary�...
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Rgdal Package: R crash during "writeGDAL" solved
Lost entire day fighting this ridicules crash during export of raster created in R to GeoTiff (other “rgdal” functions worked fine). This option worked well several months ago when I last time used it, so I wondered what happened. I searched for the only error message I was able to catch: “Failure during IO”, but wasn’t able to find ...
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RSAGA: Getting Started
RSAGA provides access to geocomputation capabilities of SAGA GIS from within R environment. Having SAGA GIS installed is a (quite obvious) pre-requirement to use RSAGA. In Linux x64 sometimes additional preparations are needed. In Linux SAGA as well as other software that would like to use SAGA modules usually searches for them in /usr/lib/sag...
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Getting raster histogram in QGIS using SEXTANTE and R
The issue with the broken histogram creation tool in QGIS annoyed me far too long. Sometimes you just need a quick glance on the histogram of a raster just to make a decision on how to process it or just to assess distribution of classes. But as you know, QGIS histogram tool creates broken plots: they are just useless (don’t know if something h...
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A Note About proj4 in R
It’s been a long time since I had to transform some coordinates ‘manually’. I mean I had a list of coordinates that I needed to [re]project. There are some nice proprietary tools for it, but who needs them when the opensource is everywhere?Proj4 is an obvious tool for this task. And using it from within R is somewhat a natural approach when...
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Classification of the Hyper-Spectral and LiDAR Imagery using R (mostly). Part 1: Result Evaluation
IntroductionThere was the EEEI Data Fusion Contest this spring. This year they wanted people to elaborate about hyper-spectral (142-bands imagery) and LiDAR data. The resolution of the data-set was about 5 m. There were 2 nominations: best classification and the best scientific paper. I work with high-resolution imagery quite often, but cla...
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