Publications by Ryan Sheehy

New Course: Analyzing Survey Data in R


Here is the course link. Course Description You’ve taken a survey (or 1000) before, right? Have you ever wondered what goes into designing a survey and how survey responses are turned into actionable insights? Of course you have! In Analyzing Survey Data in R, you will work with surveys from A to Z, starting with common survey design structures...

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New Course: Building Dashboards with flexdashboard


Here is the course link. Course Description Communication is a key part of the data science process. Dashboards are a popular way to present data in a cohesive visual display. In this course you’ll learn how to assemble your results into a polished dashboard using the flexdashboard package. This can be as simple as adding a few lines of R Markd...

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New Course: Bayesian Modeling with RJAGS


Here is the course link. Course Description The Bayesian approach to statistics and machine learning is logical, flexible, and intuitive. In this course, you will engineer and analyze a family of foundational, generalizable Bayesian models. These range in scope from fundamental one-parameter models to intermediate multivariate & generalized linea...

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New Course: Marketing Analytics in R: Choice Modeling


Here is the course link. Course Description People make choices everyday. They choose products like orange juice or a car, decide who to vote for, and choose how to get to work. Marketers, retailers, product designers, political scientists, transportation planners, sociologists, and many others want to understand what drives these choices. Choice...

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New Course: Modeling with Data in the Tidyverse


Here is the course link. Course Description In this course, you will learn to model with data. Models attempt to capture the relationship between an outcome variable of interest and a series of explanatory/predictor variables. Such models can be used for both explanatory purposes, e.g. “Does knowing professors’ ages help explain their teachin...

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New Course: Working with Data in the Tidyverse


Here is the course link. Course Description In this course, you’ll learn to work with data using tools from the tidyverse in R. By data, we mean your own data, other people’s data, messy data, big data, small data – any data with rows and columns that comes your way! By work, we mean doing most of the things that sound hard to do with R, an...

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New Course: Categorical Data in the Tidyverse


Here is the course link. Course Description As a data scientist, you will often find yourself working with non-numerical data, such as job titles, survey responses, or demographic information. This type of data is qualitative and can be ordinal, if they have an order to them, or categorical/nominal, if they don’t. R has a special way of represe...

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New Course: A/B Testing in R


Here is the course link. Course Description In this course, you will learn the foundations of A/B testing, including hypothesis testing, experimental design, and confounding variables. You will also be exposed to a couple more advanced topics, sequential analysis and multivariate testing. The first dataset will be a generated example of a cat ado...

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New Course: Bayesian Regression Modeling with rstanarm


Here is the course link. Course Description Bayesian estimation offers a flexible alternative to modeling techniques where the inferences depend on p-values. In this course, you’ll learn how to estimate linear regression models using Bayesian methods and the rstanarm package. You’ll be introduced to prior distributions, posterior predictive m...

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New Course: Generalized Linear Models in R


Here is the course link. Course Description Linear regression serves as a workhorse of statistics, but cannot handle some types of complex data. A generalized linear model (GLM) expands upon linear regression to include non-normal distributions including binomial and count data. Throughout this course, you will expand your data science toolkit to...

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