Publications by Rstats on Julia Silge
Bootstrap resampling with #TidyTuesday beer production data
I’ve been publishing screencasts demonstrating how to use the tidymodels framework, from first steps in modeling to how to tune more complex models. Today, I’m using this week’s #TidyTuesday dataset on beer production to show how to use bootstrap resampling to estimate model parameters. Here is the code I used in the video, for those who p...
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PCA and the #TidyTuesday best hip hop songs ever
Lately I’ve been publishing screencasts demonstrating how to use the tidymodels framework, from first steps in modeling to how to tune more complex models. Today, I’m exploring a different part of the tidymodels framework; I’m showing how to implement principal component analysis via recipes with this week’s #TidyTuesday dataset on the be...
5244 sym R (12992 sym/14 pcs) 12 img