Publications by Robert
Robertus Mozart Sinaga_G1401231032_Tugas UAS Mandarel
library(tidyverse) ## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 4.4.2 ## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.4.2 ## Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 4.4.2 ## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 4.4.2 ## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.4.2 ## Warning: package 'pur...
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200 Countries animation revisited
Here’s a new animated graph, again made using only stats software – R this time – to recreate Hans Rosling’s famous 200 Countries animation. Have you ever noticed how Prof Rosling had a team of graphics people beavering away in that warehouse to make his video work? Well, I don’t have such a team at my disposal, and I guess neither do ...
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Data analysis using R – course in Essex
This course is running 1-5 October at the University of Essex. There doesn’t seem to be a website but you register by writing to [email protected]. Here’s what they say in their e-mail: Lecturers: Dr Werner Adler (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Co-author of R-packages Daim and survAUC); Dr Benjamin Hofner (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg...
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SPSS and R day in York
On 2 November there are some introductory health-focussed training sessions on SPSS and R software going on in York: Two sets of two half-day parallel workshops and two tutorial sessions are provisionally planned to be held at the Alcuin Research Resource Centre, University of York, on Friday 2nd November 2012. The R workshops and a tutorial sess...
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Presentation: Animated graphs in R
As takes shape, and following the great reception it got at the Stata Users Group in London in September, I’m pleased to announce I will be giving the same presentation – for R this time – at the LondonR meeting on the evening of 4 December 2012. In the meantime I will be ading more stuff to the website and getting it R...
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ggplot2 primer in 10 minutes
Here’s a nice presentation from Christophe Ladroue which really does give an insight into the R package ggplot2 if you’ve never used it before. Each line of code can be clicked on to reveal the corresponding graph! Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Robert Grant's stats blog » R. ...
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Use little images as the markers in a scatterplot
Just saw this post on R-bloggers which has got me excited. I’ve thought about this many times but never looked into it so I can’t honestly say whether this is the first stats software option to do this, despite my occasional throw-away statement to students that they could use little icons as markers. Avoiding clutter will be the key conside...
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Reverse engineering the SAS data file format
I think it’s rather marvellous that a few expert coders are working on dispelling the cloud of mystery around the proprietary file format used by SAS software. Essentially, saving your data in a SAS format (with a name like mydata.sas7bdat) locks you into their software. They have tied this up much tighter than the other software houses: IBM ha...
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Exporting data from R into WinBUGS’s “R/S-plus list format”
Users of the world’s favourite Bayesian analysis software WinBUGS will recognise the strange format in which data is supplied inside the GUI, generally in a text file looking something like this: list(x=c(1,2,3,4,5,6),y=c(4,8,2,6,9,9)) This is of course an R (or strictly speaking, S) language format, but it’s not how R views data, and althoug...
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