Publications by Riddhiman

Filled Chord Diagram in R using Plotly


In this post we’ll create a Filled Chord Diagram using plotly. The post is inspired by Plotly’s Python documentation. Install / update packages Just to ensure we are working with the latest dev version of plotly. # Install packages if needed # install.packages(c("devtools", "dplyr")) # library(devtools) # install_github("ropensci/plotly")...

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Animations in R using Plotly


Like last year, lets have some fun with the Plotly package. We’ll try out Plotly’s new animation capabilities.library(plotly) rm(list = ls()) gc() # Options for plotting ---- x <- 0.2 y <- 0.72 speed <- 250 nbkdrops <- 100 # Colorset for plot # See cols <- c("#FFC85B", "#379956","#234C63") ncolors <- length(c...

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Native support for candlestick charts in Plotly and R


Plotly.js now supports candlestick charts as a chart-type and in this post we’ll highlight how to use this feature in R. We’ll use the quantmod package to retrieve data as well as generate some technical trading signals. Don’t forget to install the latest version of plotly from github: devtools::install_github("ropensci/plotly") Syntax The...

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Plotly for R workshop at Plotcon 2017


Carson Sievert, the lead developer of the Plotly package for R will be hosting a workshop at Here’s an outline of the material he will be covering during the workshop. More details here. The workshop will be based on Carson’s Plotly for R book. Broad Topic Details A tale of 2 interfaces Converting ggplot2 via ggp...

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News and Updates Surrounding plotly for R


The plotly R package will soon release version 4.6.0 which includes new features that are over a year in the making. The NEWS file lists all the new features and changes. This webinar highlights the most important new features including animations and multiple linked views. Concrete examples with code that you can run yourself will be covered in ...

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Burtin’s Antibiotics visualization in Plotly and R


In this post, we’ll try to re-create Burtin’s antibiotics visualization using Plotly. The post follows Mike Bostock’s original re-creation in Protovis. See here. library(plotly) library(reshape2) library(dplyr) # Data df <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors = F) N <- nrow(df)...

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Plotly charts in nteract notebooks using R


The Plotly R package can now be used within nteract notebooks. Below are some examples. Visit below links for installation related information Visit Carson’s Plotly for R book for more details on plotly and its capabilities Visit nteract releases to download nteract Visit IRkernel to see details on how to install an R kernel for nteract Pand...

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Creating interactive SVG tables in R


In this post we will explore how to make SVG tables in R using plotly. The tables are visually appealing and can be modified on the fly using simple drag and drop. Make sure you install the latest version of Plotly i.e. v from Github using devtools::install_github("ropensci/plotly) The easiest way to create a SVG table in R using plotly i...

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