Publications by Rami Krispin

Quantify the Covid19 Impact on the SFO Airport Passenger Air Traffic


The Covid19 pandemic had, and unfortunately still have, a significant impact on most of the major industries. While for some sectors, the impact was positive (such as online retails, internet and steaming providers, etc.), it was negative for others (such as transportation, tourism, entertainment, etc.). In both cases, we can leverage time series...

6412 sym R (5703 sym/14 pcs)

Quantify the Covid19 Impact on the SFO Airport Passenger Air Traffic


The Covid19 pandemic had, and unfortunately still have, a significant impact on most of the major industries. While for some sectors, the impact was positive (such as online retails, internet and steaming providers, etc.), it was negative for others (such as transportation, tourism, entertainment, etc.). In both cases, we can leverage time series...

6412 sym R (5703 sym/14 pcs)

Introduction to Geospatial Visualization with the tmap package


I had super fun exploring the tmap package functionality while preparing a presentation about geospatial visualization for the Abuja R-Ladies/R Users meetup, so I decided to write a short tutorial about it. The tmap package provides a set of functions and tools for creating thematic maps such as choropleths and bubble maps. The package follows th...

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