Publications by R programming
R Weekly Bulletin Vol – II
This week’s R bulletin will cover functions calls, sorting data frame, creating time series object, and functions like, na.omit, paste, help, rep, and seq function. Hope you like this R weekly bulletin. Enjoy reading! Shortcut Keys 1. To show files – Ctrl+5 2. To show plots – Ctrl+6 3. To show packages – Ctrl+7 Problem Solving Id...
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Forecasting Markets using eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)
By Milind Paradkar In recent years, machine learning has been generating a lot of curiosity for its profitable application to trading. Numerous machine learning models like Linear/Logistic regression, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, Tree-based models etc. are being tried and applied in an attempt to analyze and forecast the markets. Res...
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R Weekly Bulletin Vol – III
This week’s R bulletin will cover topics like how to read select columns, the difference between boolean operators, converting a factor to a numeric and changing memory available to R. We will also cover functions like data, format, tolower, toupper, and strsplit function. Hope you like this R weekly bulletin. Enjoy reading! Shortcut Keys ...
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R Best Practices: R you writing the R way!
By Milind Paradkar Any programmer inevitably writes tons of codes in his daily work. However, not all programmers inculcate the habit of writing clean codes which can be easily be understood by others. One of the reasons can be the lack of awareness among programmers of the best practices followed in writing a program. This is especially the case...
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R Weekly Bulletin Vol – IV
This week’s R bulletin will cover topics like removing duplicate rows, finding row number, sorting a data frame in the same order, sorting a data frame in different order, and creating two tabs in an excel workbook. We will also cover functions like Sys.time, julian, and the second & minute function from the lubridate package. Hope you like th...
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R Weekly Bulletin Vol – V
This week’s R bulletin will cover topics like how to avoid for-loops, add or shorten an existing vector, and play a beep sound in R. We will also cover functions like function, readSeries, and the with and within functions. Hope you like this R weekly bulletin. Enjoy reading! Shortcut Keys 1. To stop debugging – Shift+F8 2. To quit an...
4988 sym R (2327 sym/20 pcs) 16 img
Overcome the Fear of Programming
By Milind Paradkar You say you never programmed in life before? Never heard of words like Classes and Objects, Dataframe, Methods, Inheritance, Loops? Are you fearful of programming, huh? Don’t be! Programming can be fun, stimulating, and once you start and learn to program many of you would love spending hours programming different strategies...
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R Weekly Bulletin Vol – VI
This week’s R bulletin will cover topics like how to parse milliseconds in R, how to format dates and method to extract specific parts of date and time. We will also cover functions like %within%, %m+%, to.period function, period.max and period.min functions. Click To TweetHope you like this R weekly bulletin. Enjoy reading! Shortcut Keys 1...
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R Weekly Bulletin Vol – VII
This week’s R bulletin will cover topics like how to create a sequence of dates, how to add a number to a date and time variable and converting a date in American format to a standard format. We will also cover functions like the identical function, all.equal function, any and all functions. Click To TweetHope you like this R weekly bulletin...
4491 sym Python (1283 sym/18 pcs) 2 img
Trading Strategy: 52-Weeks High Effect in Stocks
By Milind Paradkar In today’s algorithmic trading having a trading edge is one of the most critical elements. It’s plain simple. If you don’t have an edge, don’t trade! Hence, as a quant, one is always on a look out for good trading ideas. One of the good resources for trading strategies that have been gaining wide popularity is the Quant...
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