Publications by R on easystats

In defence of the 95% CI


TLDR: BayestestR currently uses a 89% threshold by default for Credible Intervals (CI). Should we change that? If so, by what? Join the discussion here. Magical numbers, or conventional thresholds, have bad press in statistics, and there are many of them. For instance, .05 (for the p-value), or the 95% range for the Confidence Interval (CI). Inde...

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In defence of the 95% CI


TLDR: BayestestR currently uses a 89% threshold by default for Credible Intervals (CI). Should we change that? If so, by what? Join the discussion here. Magical numbers, or conventional thresholds, have bad press in statistics, and there are many of them. For instance, .05 (for the p-value), or the 95% range for the Confidence Interval (CI). Inde...

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In defence of the 95% CI


TLDR: BayestestR currently uses a 89% threshold by default for Credible Intervals (CI). Should we change that? If so, by what? Join the discussion here. Magical numbers, or conventional thresholds, have bad press in statistics, and there are many of them. For instance, .05 (for the p-value), or the 95% range for the Confidence Interval (CI). Inde...

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New formatting features in the parameters package


You probably already have heard of the parameters package, a light-weight package to extract, compute and explore the parameters of statistical models using R (if not, there is a related publication introducing the package’s main features). In this post, we like to introduce a new feature that facilitates nicely rendered output in markdown or H...

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You write R packages and functions? This package will change your life!


What is it? We are talking about the insight package. It is what allows other packages, like easystats (parameters, effectsize, performance, report, …) or ggstatsplot, sjstats or modelsummary to be as powerful as they are, supporting tons of different R models. So why make you life hard when you can be like them, and rely on insight? It is made...

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Happy birthday easystats! A retrospective


Happy birthday easystats! Two years ago, which feels like yesterday, we celebrated the easystats project’s first anniversary. Wow, those were simpler times! One could travel for pleasure, party with dozens of people and have a face-to-face conversation, and the thing that spread like a wildfire around the globe was everyone’s obsession with T...

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