Publications by R on datawookie

Relationship between Race Distance and Gender Ratio


In an article entitled “Could women outrun men in ultramarathon races?”, Jenefer Bam and her collaborators explored the hypothesis that running performance of men and women converge with increasing race distance, and suggested that women have superior fatigue resistance. It’d be great to independently validate these results using data from...

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RSelenium and Java Heap Space


I’m in the process of deploying a scraper on a DigitalOcean instance. The scraper uses RSelenium with the PhantomJS browser. I ran into a problem though. Although it worked flawlessly on my local machine, on the remote instance it broke with the following error: Selenium message:Java heap space Error: Summary: UnknownError Detail: An unkn...

976 sym R (272 sym/2 pcs)

Deploying a Minimal API using plumber on DigitalOcean


Some quick notes on deploying an API (generated with plumber) on DigitalOcean. Development Setup On your local machine install a couple of packages from GitHub. > devtools::install_github("trestletech/plumber") > devtools::install_github("sckott/analogsea") In RStudio open a new script and create a single, simple API endpoint which will return to...

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RStudio Environment on DigitalOcean with Docker


I’ll be running a training course in a few weeks which will use RStudio as the main computational tool. Since it’s a short course I don’t want to spend a lot of time sorting out technical issues. And with multiple operating systems (and versions) these issues can be numerous and pervasive. Setting up a RStudio server which everyone can acce...

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Favourite Talks from useR 2017


Geospatial RQGIS: Integrating R with QGIS for Innovative Geocomputing (Jannes Muenchow) Exploring and presenting maps with tmap (Martijn Tennekes) Maps are data, so why plot data on a map? (Mark Padgham) Geospatial Visualization using R (Bhaskar V. Karambelkar) Spatial Data in R: New Directions (Edzer Pebesma) mapedit – interactive manipul...

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A Timeline History of R


A record of some more or less important events in the history of R. This is a work in progress. The information is cobbled together from a range of sources. If you have pertinent items to add, please let me know via the comments. 2020: useR! (Boston, MA, USA) 2019: useR! (Toulouse, France) 2018: RStudio-1.1.453 (2018-05-16) R-3.5.0 “Joy i...

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Route Asymmetry in Google Maps


I have been retrieving some route information using Rodrigo Azuero’s gmapsdistance package and noted that there was some asymmetry in the results: the time and distance for the trip from A to B was not necessarily always the same as the time and distance for the trip from B to A. Although in retrospect this seems self-evident, it merited furthe...

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Global Variables in R Packages


I know that global variables are from the Devil, but sometimes you just can’t get around them. I’m building a small package for a client that relies on a data file. For various reasons that file is not part of the package and can reside in different locations on users’ machines. Furthermore there are users on both Windows and Linux machines...

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Building a Local OSRM Instance


The Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) is a library for calculating routes, distances and travel times between spatial locations. It can be accessed via either an HTTP or C++ API. Since it’s open source you can also install locally, download appropriate map data and start making efficient travel calculations. These are the instructions for gett...

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Hosting a Plumber API on AWS


I’ve been putting together a small proof-of-concept API using R and plumber. It works flawlessly on my local machine and I was planning on deploying it on an EC2 instance to demo it for a client. However, I ran into a snag: despite opening the required port in my Security Group I was not able to access the API. This is what I needed to do to ge...

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