Publications by R on YIHAN WU

Rrrrs in R – Letter frequency in R package names


R package authors sometimes like to add the letter “r” to package names (for example, the tidyverse packages). baRcodeR also has an extra “r” at the end as well. I thought I could use some available data see if the letter frequency changes compared to the English language average. I used two data sets. The first is the percentage frequenc...

3444 sym R (10080 sym/15 pcs) 12 img

RStudio Pandoc – HTML To Markdown


The knitr and rmarkdown packages are used in conjunction with pandoc to convert R code and figures to a variety of formats including PDF, and word. Here, I’m exploring how to convert HTML back to markdown format. This post came about when I was searching how to convert XML to markdown, which I still haven’t found an easy way to do. Pandoc is ...

2410 sym R (4142 sym/6 pcs)

Blogdown – shortcode for radix-like Bibtex


In the spirit of trying out new things in Hugo since my last post on modifying the RSS feed for this website, I attempted to implement the new citation feature from the new radix package by RStudio. Essentially, I tried using a custom hugo shortcode to replicate the text and BibTex citation at the bottom of the page when rendered by radix. Custom...

3162 sym Python (653 sym/1 pcs)

Icon making with ggplot2 and magick


Icon noun A person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration. A symbol or graphic representation on a screen of a program, option, or window. from Oxford English Dictionaries Fontawesome and the noun project along with other icon provides produce and distribute beautiful icons for free use. But sometimes, I would li...

3101 sym R (3115 sym/17 pcs) 28 img

baRcodeR 0.1.2 release – new linear barcodes


baRcodeR 0.1.2 is released on CRAN today! Download and install by install.packages("baRcodeR") Example linear barcode The major feature of this release is the ability to print linear (a.k.a normal) barcodes through specifying type = "linear" in create_PDF() rather than type = "matrix" which prints the usual QR code. The github repository is at ...

1554 sym R (28 sym/1 pcs) 2 img

baRcodeR now on rOpenSci + online barcode PDF generation


Some major changes have occurred to baRcodeR since the last post on version 0.1.2 to ease the process of making printable labels like below. As of baRcodeR 0.1.5: After extremely helpful reviews, baRcodeR was accepted as part of the rOpenSci project. Online documentation for the package is now available, generated with pkgdown and hosted by rOp...

1378 sym 2 img

Geocoding An Intersection with Open Street Map data


Sometimes, geographic information is given as street intersections rather than GPS coordinates or street addresses with house numbers. Intersections can be geocoded with Google Maps (Limited free usage with API), ArcGIS (paid software) or other web services which parse text and return coordinates. If you are lucky, there may be a government geoco...

4505 sym R (4206 sym/15 pcs) 12 img