Publications by R on Chi's Impe[r]fect Blog
Voronoi diagram with ggvoronoi package with Train Station data
I’ve always been curious to make Voronoi diagram, I just think they are beautiful! When I came across data set with train stations in Japan. I instantly thought this would be great data sets to make Voronoi diagram! I’ve gotten data sets from (Ekidata)[] site. I’m amazed how many train stations we have in Japan, as wel...
4473 sym R (9054 sym/16 pcs) 30 img
Utilizing K-means to extract colours from your favourite images
I have been playing with package called imager, documentation on this package was extremely helpful! I have read through “getting started” as well as few other tutorial & examples. I love colours… Tools like colourlovers, Adobe Color CC, Canva Color Palette Generators are great extracting colours from photo (or in general just getting inspi...
2060 sym R (4373 sym/7 pcs) 8 img
Plotting Traditional Colours of Japan
I was curious to know what colours were Traditional Colours of Japan. One of the site I came across showing 465 palettes of Japanese colour is this one. Japanese Site with 465 palettes of traditional colour. While site displays colour beautifully, to see every colour you need to scroll quite bit, so I wanted to plot them using ggplot2. First, I w...
2298 sym R (2778 sym/4 pcs) 10 img
Having bit of party with Material Colour Palette
Continuing on with my “slight?” obsession with colours… I love colours in “Material Colour Palette”. There various website that will lets you grab the colours by clicking, such as this one, but I just wanted to have little handy cheet sheet for myself, so I’ve decided I’ll do that using R & my favourite ggplot2. Getting colours out...
1691 sym R (6572 sym/7 pcs) 10 img
Bubble Packed Chart with R using packcircles package
Tableau has chart type called “Packed Bubble Chart”, while I haven’t really utilized packed bubble chart much, I always thought they are fun and beautiful. I wanted to try creating same chart using R, and I came across package called packcircles. Reading vignettes was really helpful to figure out how to use the package!! – introduction vi...
2354 sym R (6523 sym/3 pcs) 8 img
Making Original Bingo – Heart Theme
I have learned how to draw a heart with mathmatical equation, in fact there are so many “curves” you can draw with equation. Amazing, right?!? You can find all sorts of different curves on Wolfram Mathworld site. I’m really curious how did people find equation itself for some of shapes? Also at last family reunion, I’ve played “Bingo”...
2505 sym R (7981 sym/8 pcs) 16 img
Extracting colours from your images with Image Quantization
magick really does the “Magic!” I have been playing around bit with package “magick”, and I think I am now hooked… Although I haven’t been able to understand everything written in vignette just yet. One of function I got really excited is image_quantize. This function will reduce the number of unique colours used in the image. i.e. I...
2208 sym R (5563 sym/6 pcs) 16 img
Playing Around with Phyllotactic Spirals
I wanted to figure out how to create gif animation using the magick, so I decided I’ll try that out with ggplot2 spiral art. Loading up packages I’m definitely in love with “magick” right now 🙂 library(tidyverse) ## for pretty much everything... library(magick) ## I'm now a magick fan!!! library(scales) ## Handy when it comes to scal...
1842 sym R (4250 sym/11 pcs) 20 img
Built-in Colour Names in R
Quite often when you just want to whip out some quick plots, I like to assign the colours by colour names. Some of my go-to colours are… tomato,darkorange,turquioise,darkgrey,lightgrey. Recently I realized that I can get all of built-in colour names available in R to use by typing colors() or colours(). So I thought I’ll do bit of studying on...
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