Publications by PirateGrunt

24 Days of R: Day 15


Over the course of the next few days, I'm going to try to find enough time to build up a reasonably simple simulation of insurance exposure and claims. I'll be taking a hierarchical view of the underlying process. As with pretty much everything that I write about, I'm writing about it as I'm learning about it. It was only last year that I first st...

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24 Days of R: Day 16


Yesterday I said that I'd carry on with the monte carlo simulation of insurance data. I'm not going to as I don't think I've got enough time and mental energy to do it justice. I'm sure tens of people are disappointed to learn this. Instead, I'm going to have a look at the recently released PISA study, which assesses student performance in many c...

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24 Days of R: Day 17


I couldn't manage to find time yesterday, so today I'm going to try and catch up with two posts. In the first, I'm going to talk about a package I've been gradually working on over the course of the year. After all, what's Christmas if you don't get a package? I do quite a lot of lightweight ETL (extract, transform, load) and I've gotten in the h...

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24 Days of R: Day 18


Earlier today, while looking for something else, I managed to stumble across a presentation given at the 2010 CAS RPM. (Egregious self-promotion: I'll be leading a day-long workshop at next year's RPM in Washington, DC.) I wasn't looking for a presentation on hierarchical models, but there one was. The fantastic Jim Guszcza has a great slide show...

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24 Days of R: Day 19


Carrying on with the multi-level model, I'm going to look at the paid and incurred workers comp losses for a large number of insurance companies. This is a similar exercise to what I did last night, but I'm now working with real, rather than simulated data and the stochastic process is assumed to be different. First, I'll fetch some data from the...

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24 Days of R: Day 20


Some time ago, I was doing some analysis and trying to determine whether or not there was a predictive variable for a binomial response. I ran logistic regressions for about half a dozen variables in different combinations and nothing showed a fit of any significance. Well, almost nothing. I had measured the response against date. Date is a conti...

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24 Days of R: Day 21


I drove through Tennessee today. Despite having grown up in Kentucky, I had never really noticed the Tennessee flag, but earlier this year, while in Nashville, I saw it and thought it was one of the cooler state flags. I downloaded a PNG file of the flag from wikicommons and tried to do what I thought would be a very simple thing. I wanted to dra...

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24 Days of R: Day 22


I like to use Goodreads to keep track of which books I'm reading (and not reading). They very helpfully sent me an e-mail to inform me how many books I've read so far in 2013. The number is 19. Hardly an impressive number, but between job, family and trying to develop my R skills, I'm not embarassed by that either. However, it's not as though I'm...

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24 Days of R: Day 23


Penultimate post, I'm going to take a quick look at the Gini indicator for wealth inequality. Data comes from the World Bank. I've downloaded the zipped file, decompressed it and given it a different name. I'm going to dfGini = read.csv("./Data/Gini.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = 2) colnames(dfGini) = gsub("X", "", colnames(dfGini)) libr...

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24 Days of R: Day 24


OK, so I phoned it in last night. Final post and maybe this one will be a bit better. Can't recall what got me thinking about it, but I was running over the issue of school performance and the erroneous notion that small class sizes will produce better students. This is occasionally debunked, but I thought it'd be fun to demonstrate the appeal of...

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