Publications by Paola Rosmery Sanchez Reyes SR16050
Guia de trabajo 1
EJERCICIO 1 Numeral 1 options(scipen = 999999999) load("C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/enlaces de econo/modelo_ventas.RData") matriz_X<-model.matrix(modelo_ventas) matriz_XX<-t(matriz_X)%*%matriz_X # Calculo de la matriz A matriz_A<-solve(matriz_XX)%*%t(matriz_X) print(matriz_A) ## 1 2 3 ...
670 sym R (1479222 sym/60 pcs)
Guia de trabajo 1
EJERCICIO 1 Numeral 1 options(scipen = 999999999) load("C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/modelo_ventas.RData") matriz_X<-model.matrix(modelo_ventas) matriz_XX<-t(matriz_X)%*%matriz_X # Calculo de la matriz A matriz_A<-solve(matriz_XX)%*%t(matriz_X) print(matriz_A) ## 1 2 3 4 ##...
670 sym R (1479121 sym/60 pcs)
prueba para clase
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...
594 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Creacion de Matrices Matriz y #Generacion de la matriz y matriz_y<-matrix(data = c(30,20,36,24,40), nrow = 5, ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE) colnames(matriz_y)<-c("y") print(matriz_y) ## y ## [1,] 30 ## [2,] 20 ## [3,] 36 ## [4,] 24 ## [5,] 40 Matriz x matriz_x<-cbind(rep(1,5),matrix(data = c(4,10,3,8,6,...
101 sym R (718 sym/6 pcs)
Ejercicio Detección de Heterocedasticidad
Importacion de datos library(wooldridge) data("hprice1") head(force(hprice1),n=5) ## price assess bdrms lotsize sqrft colonial lprice lassess llotsize lsqrft ## 1 300 349.1 4 6126 2438 1 5.703783 5.855359 8.720297 7.798934 ## 2 370 351.5 3 9903 2076 1 5.913503 5.862210 9.200593 7.638198 ## 3 191 ...
469 sym R (3023 sym/13 pcs) 2 img
Investigación de la librería fastGraph
Importacion de datos library(wooldridge) data("hprice1") head(force(hprice1),n=5) ## price assess bdrms lotsize sqrft colonial lprice lassess llotsize lsqrft ## 1 300 349.1 4 6126 2438 1 5.703783 5.855359 8.720297 7.798934 ## 2 370 351.5 3 9903 2076 1 5.913503 5.862210 9.200593 7.638198 ## 3 191 ...
227 sym R (3334 sym/13 pcs) 7 img
Ejercicio Detección de Heterocedasticidad
Importacion de datos library(wooldridge) data("hprice1") head(force(hprice1),n=5) ## price assess bdrms lotsize sqrft colonial lprice lassess llotsize lsqrft ## 1 300 349.1 4 6126 2438 1 5.703783 5.855359 8.720297 7.798934 ## 2 370 351.5 3 9903 2076 1 5.913503 5.862210 9.200593 7.638198 ## 3 191 ...
469 sym R (3023 sym/13 pcs) 2 img
Ejercicio Multicolinealidad
Importacion de datos library(wooldridge) data("hprice1") head(force(hprice1),n=5) ## price assess bdrms lotsize sqrft colonial lprice lassess llotsize lsqrft ## 1 300 349.1 4 6126 2438 1 5.703783 5.855359 8.720297 7.798934 ## 2 370 351.5 3 9903 2076 1 5.913503 5.862210 9.200593 7.638198 ## 3 191 ...
507 sym R (3920 sym/13 pcs) 2 img
Ejercicio Autocorrelación
Importacion de datos library(wooldridge) data("hprice1") head(force(hprice1),n=5) ## price assess bdrms lotsize sqrft colonial lprice lassess llotsize lsqrft ## 1 300 349.1 4 6126 2438 1 5.703783 5.855359 8.720297 7.798934 ## 2 370 351.5 3 9903 2076 1 5.913503 5.862210 9.200593 7.638198 ## 3 191 ...
941 sym R (2730 sym/12 pcs)
Ejercicio de Multicolinealidad
Importacion de datos library(wooldridge) data("hprice1") head(force(hprice1),n=5) ## price assess bdrms lotsize sqrft colonial lprice lassess llotsize lsqrft ## 1 300 349.1 4 6126 2438 1 5.703783 5.855359 8.720297 7.798934 ## 2 370 351.5 3 9903 2076 1 5.913503 5.862210 9.200593 7.638198 ## 3 191 ...
506 sym R (3920 sym/13 pcs) 2 img