Publications by M

Chapter 12 HW


##11.2.4a df<-c(3,12,15) SS<-c(135,337,472) MS<-c(45,28.08, NA) table<- data.frame(df,SS,MS); table ## df SS MS ## 1 3 135 45.00 ## 2 12 337 28.08 ## 3 15 472 NA ##11.2.4.b-c 4 groups 16 observations ##11.2.5 df<-c(4,49,53) SS<-c(159,964,1123) MS<-c(39.75,19.67, NA) table<- data.frame(df, SS, MS); table ## df SS MS ## 1 4 159...

1039 sym R (2278 sym/10 pcs)



Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean birthweight (you can do it by hand, by code, or by calculator). Interpret this interval in the context of the problem. y<-114 s<-24 n<-100 alpha<-.05 alpha2t<-alpha/2 SE<-s/sqrt(n) cv<-qt(1-alpha2t, n-1) upper<-y+cv*SE lower<-y-cv*SE CI<-c(lower,upper);CI ## [1] 109.2379 118.7621 Sup...

2347 sym R (1703 sym/34 pcs) 2 img



##10.2.5 a) Ho: The is no difference between exposure to pestiulance by one organism granting resistanc to pesiluance of another organism. Ha: The is a difference between exposure to pestiulance by one organism granting resistanc to pesiluance of another organism. b) Ho: Pr{Success(Wilt)|Mite (Exposure)} = Pr{Success(Wilt)| No mite(no exposure)} ...

1910 sym R (1449 sym/28 pcs)



(2 pts)Suppose we have samples of 5 men and 5 women and have conducted a randomization test to compare the sexes on the variable Y = pulse. In addition, suppose we have found that in 120 out of 252 possible outcomes under the randomization permutation, the difference in means is at least as large as the difference in the two observed sample means...

4089 sym R (1199 sym/14 pcs) 2 img

Lab 9: Inference for Categorical Variable


##Exercise 1: In the first paragraph, several key findings are reported. Do these percentages appear to be sample statistics (derived from the data sample) or population parameters? The first pararagraph discusses percentages and referes to the population. Though these percentages are found from a sample, they believe they have a large enough sam...

5353 sym R (14052 sym/29 pcs) 6 img

Project Brainstorming


library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────...

9 sym R (5364 sym/64 pcs) 4 img



#7.1.2.a lcdiet<-c(42.3, 51.5, 53.7) ndiet<-c(53.1,50.7) mean_dif<-mean(lcdiet)-mean(ndiet);mean_dif ## [1] -2.733333 lcdiet<-c(42.3, 53.1, 53.7) ndiet<-c(51.5,50.7) mean_dif<-mean(lcdiet)-mean(ndiet);mean_dif ## [1] -1.4 lcdiet<-c(42.3, 51.5, 53.1) ndiet<-c(53.7,50.7) mean_dif<-mean(lcdiet)-mean(ndiet);mean_dif ## [1] -3.233333 lcdiet<-c(53.1, 5...

7233 sym R (5737 sym/61 pcs) 2 img



##In a study of larval development in the tufted apple budmoth, an entomologist measured the head widths of 50 larvae. All 50 had been reared under identical conditions. The mean head width was 1.20 mm and the standard deviation was 0.14 mm. ##(1 pt) Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean (you can do it by hand, by R, or by c...

3009 sym R (1648 sym/22 pcs)



download.file("", destfile = "nc.RData") load("nc.RData") ##Exercise 1: What are the cases in this data set? How many cases are there in our sample? The cases in this data set are NC births. 1000 cases in data set for each of 13 variables measured pertaining to NC births. Numerical: fage, mage, weeks, vi...

3990 sym R (7544 sym/62 pcs) 15 img



##6.2.3 data<-c(10.0, 8.9, 9.1, 11.7, 7.9) 'mean' ## [1] "mean" mean<-mean(data); mean ## [1] 9.52 'sd' ## [1] "sd" sd<-sd(data);sd ## [1] 1.428986 'SE' ## [1] "SE" SE<-sd/(5^(1/2));SE ## [1] 0.6390618 ##6.3.3(a-b) y<-31.7 sd<-8.7 n<-5 'SE' ## [1] "SE" SE<-sd/(n^(1/2));SE ## [1] 3.890758 'critical value (table)' ## [1] "critical value (table)" cv...

5123 sym R (3201 sym/71 pcs) 1 img