Publications by Anna Podolskaya
Task 5-6 EFA Speed Dating
Data and question Speed Dating dataset (Kaggle) “What influences love at first sight?” Read about the experiment. dating <-read.csv("Speed Dating Data.csv") #names(dating) # Choose the variables we think belong to factors. dating1<- dating[c("imprace","imprelig", "date", "go_out",...
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Task 5 - EFA - Speed Dating
Data and question Speed Dating dataset (Kaggle) “What influences love at first sight?” Read about the experiment. dating <-read.csv("Speed Dating Data.csv") names(dating) ## [1] "iid" "id" "gender" "idg" "condtn" "wave" ## [7] "round" "position" "posi...
5780 sym R (63200 sym/47 pcs) 17 img
happy 4 task
The practical task includes three types of action: running a script that is already written for you. The script embraces something new or reminds the material. I give you an explanation and interpretation of the results. answering questions. You should write down each answer. writing a script. You should write down own script and explanation of ...
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exploratory analisis of bank data
Hello! Glad to meet you at the first, exploratory part, of the report, prepare for the bank company. My name is Anna, I’m a third year student data analyst. In this part I’m going to explore tha data as thoroughly, as possible, look at somу possible relations and provide some ideas for further analysis. loading the data and variable descrip...
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OLS task
important SEND YOUR RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS TO Format is pdf/word. I DO NOT ACCEPT MARKDOWN FILES. Part 1 Parametric tests Let’s explain crime rates in Boston -> dataset “Boston” from package MASS library(knitr) library(rmarkdown) library(MASS) #??Boston dim(Boston) names(Boston) 1. make a descriptive statistic...
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OLS task n2
Data Let’s explain crime rates in Boston -> dataset “Boston” from package MASS library(MASS) #?Boston dim(Boston) ## [1] 506 14 names(Boston) ## [1] "crim" "zn" "indus" "chas" "nox" "rm" "age" ## [8] "dis" "rad" "tax" "ptratio" "black" "lstat" "medv" Regression Modeling What is our dependent ...
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Happiness* (*But Were Afraid to Ask). Motto edition
Introduction Hello! Today I’d like to explore happiness a bit (again). The beauty of happiness in its relevance, I guess. Happiness is always needed, its always relevant and i do not really think, that one day that will be totally explored. My idea is to lookat such factors, that describe way of people’s lives. Today is very popular an idea o...
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Books VS gadgets: who wins student's achievement
Introduction It’s a well know idea that capitals of the family may be related to students achievement at school: bigger number of books give them ability to learn more (as well as children in families with higher cultural capital tend to be taught to learn), and availability of gadgets, such as tablets and pc, may increase student’s productiv...
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#prep the data knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=12, fig.height=8, fig.path='Figs/', echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, error = FALSE) различия в группах ## q24 ## momedu2 No Yes ## 0-NO higher education 416 189 ## 1-Higher education 874 607 ## ...
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The original graph(s): The following dashboard can be found in Princeton’s International Networks Archive, designed by ‘Flaming Toast Productions’ in far 2003. And… the idea behind it is undoubtly good: it is bright, is it telling, it may be very attractive for some… color lovers...
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