Publications by Niko Nolte
Beer Reviews Analysis
Beer Analysis Niko Nolte 2023-05-05 Introduction Every year, millions and millions of beer is consumed a year and I would like to explore what I find this topic very interesting because beer has been around forever. I have had the opportunity to try beer all over the world and it is something that I will always hold dear to my heart. There are ...
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Beer Connoisseur Reviews
Beer Connoisseur Reviews Niko Nolte 2023-05-05 Topic Introduction The Beer Connoisseur is a premium beer review site for beer enthusiasts. They have a magazine and they also have over 8 million readers annually. I find this topic very interesting because beer has been around forever. I have had the opportunity to try beer all over the world and...
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Spotify API
Intro There are a variety of API’s that you can use to connect to real data to solve problems like what kind of beer is preferred in a certain region, or what kind of travel overseas has happened during the last few years. In my case I am curious about my spotify data. Spotify Service The service that I would like to use is the Spotify. Someo...
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Health Information
Introduction This Health Information Data comes from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). This office is responsible for collecting and reporting disclosures of protected health information (PHI) as mandated by law. Part of the law requires that the OCR report cases where covered entities (CE—organizations responsible for protecting health inf...
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Beer Data
##Introduction This data is beer data from all over the world. It includes the different review scores that individuals have given it including “Review Overall”, “Review_aroma”, “review_apperance” and much more. It also shows the ABV of each of the beers listed which can tell the reader how strong a certain beer is or not. ##How doe...
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College Scorecard Data
College Scorecard Niko Nolte 2023-02-15 ##About The Data Scorecard is a very cool data set! This data set represents a large collection of Schools including their location, longitude and latitude, and so much more! ##Summary Statistics This Table of summary statistics shows the Institution in each state and the admission rate with number of un...
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