Publications by Niharika Pola



Speed Graph distance<-c(24,78,564,55,600) time<-c(3,12,90,10,100) speed<-distance/time speed ## [1] 8.000000 6.500000 6.266667 5.500000 6.000000 barplot(speed, main='Speed Graph in kms/hr',xlab='distance in kms',ylab='time in hours') ##Thank You ...

35 sym R (222 sym/3 pcs) 1 img



HW1 This is an example of RMarkdown Niharika Pola 2022-02-02 This is an example of calculating Speed from given data of distance and time and generating the speed Graph distance<-c(24,78,564,55,600) time<-c(3,12,90,10,100) speed<-distance/time speed [1] 8.000000 6.500000 6.266667 5.500000 6.000000 barplot(speed, main='Speed Graph in...

217 sym R (223 sym/4 pcs) 1 img

HW2_Niharika Pola


##reading eggs_tidy dataset library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages -------------------------------------...

75 sym R (1587 sym/13 pcs)

Publish Document


Imapct on the Indian Education System | A deep dive data analysis on the Enrollment and Dropout student ratio Data Science Fundamental - Final Paper | Exploratory Data Analysis of the Indian Education System with special focus on the available facilities Niharika Pola 2022-05-12 INTRODUCTION India is a country of 28 states and 7 Union Terr...

17799 sym R (60109 sym/153 pcs) 35 img 6 tbl

Publish Document


HW-6 Analysis of Indian Education System Niharika Pola 2022-05-12 INTRODUCTION In this project I have worked on 7 data sets related to the Indian Education System from 2013-2016. First two data sets talk about the Gross Enrollment Ratio and Dropout Ratio, remaining 5 talk about the availability of basic facilities (Water, Electricity, Boys...

16133 sym R (60109 sym/153 pcs) 35 img 6 tbl

Publish Document


HW-5 Analysis of Indian Education System Niharika Pola 2022-05-12 INTRODUCTION In this project I have worked on 7 data sets related to the Indian Education System from 2013-2016. First two data sets talk about the Gross Enrollment Ratio and Dropout Ratio, remaining 5 talk about the availability of basic facilities (Water, Electricity, Boys...

8195 sym R (59939 sym/153 pcs) 35 img 6 tbl



HW-4 | Descriptive Statistics and Few graphs Statistical Analysis of Indian Education System Niharika Pola 2022-05-04 This project analyzes 7 dataframes from 2013-2016 related to Indian Education System extracted from Indian Government’s Data Management website - The main objective of the project is to study the impact on dr...

2923 sym R (34717 sym/81 pcs) 7 img



HW-3 | Major Project Dataset and Preliminary Research Questions Statistical Analysis of Indian Education System Niharika Pola 2022-05-11 This project analyzes 7 dataframes from 2013-2016 related to Indian Education System extracted from Indian Government’s Data Management website - The main objective of the project is to stu...

1971 sym R (24570 sym/47 pcs)



HW-2 HW-2 Niharika Pola 2022-05-12 ##reading eggs_tidy dataset library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) eggs_tidy<- read.csv("eggs_tidy - Sheet1.csv") head(eggs_tidy) month year large_half_dozen large_dozen extra_large_half_dozen 1 January 2004 126.0 230.000 132.0 2 February 2004 128.5 ...

107 sym R (1572 sym/7 pcs)



HW-3 | Major Project Dataset and Preliminary Research Questions Niharika Pola 2022-04-29 This project analyzes 7 dataframes from 2013-2016 related to Indian Education System extracted from Indian Government’s Data Management website - The main objective of the project is to study the impact on dropout ratio of schools b...

1851 sym R (24570 sym/47 pcs)