Publications by Nicole Radziwill

Sampling Distributions and Central Limit Theorem in R


The Central Limit Theorem (CLT), and the concept of the sampling distribution, are critical for understanding why statistical inference works. There are at least a handful of problems that require you to invoke the Central Limit Theorem on every ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) exam. The CLT says that if you take many repeated samples ...

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My New Favorite Statistics & Data Analysis Book Using R


(Note: The Amazon site may not be fully functional until mid-week as they complete their setup.) As of today, I now have a NEW FAVORITE introductory statistics textbook… the one I’ve always dreamed of having. I’ve been looking for a book to use in my classes for undergraduate sophomores and juniors, but none of the textbooks I considered...

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Randomly Sample Twitter Followers in R


Image Credit: Doug Buckley at So yesterday, I set up an #AmazonGiveaway for my new R book at — but I had my 10 year old input the number that will determine every nth person who gets the printed copy delivered to them, so that I’d be surprised too when it happened. Well I...

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What (Really) is a Data Scientist?


Drew Conway’s very popular Data Science Venn Diagram. From What is a data scientist? What makes for a good (or great!) data scientist? It’s been challenging enough to determine what a data scientist really is (several people have proposed ways to look at this). The Guardian (a ...

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A Simple Intro to Bayesian Change Point Analysis


The purpose of this post is to demonstrate change point analysis by stepping through an example of change point analysis in R presented in Rizzo’s excellent, comprehensive, and very mathy book, Statistical Computing with R, and then showing alternative ways to process this data using the changepoint and bcp packages. Much of the commentary is s...

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A 15-Week Intro Statistics Course Featuring R


Morgan at Burning Man 2014. (Image Credit: Nicole Radziwill) Do you teach introductory statistics or data science? Need some help planning your fall class? I apply the 10 Principles of Burning Man in the design and conduct of all my undergraduate and graduate-level courses, including my introductory statistics class (which has a heavy focus on R ...

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Logistic Growth, S Curves, Bifurcations, and Lyapunov Exponents in R


If you’ve ever wondered how logistic population growth (the Verhulst model), S curves, the logistic map, bifurcation diagrams, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, “orbits”, deterministic chaos, and Lyapunov exponents are related to one another… this post attempts to provide a simplified explanation(!) in just 10 steps, each with s...

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Control Charts in R: A Guide to X-Bar/R Charts in the qcc Package


Statistical process control provides a mechanism for measuring, managing, and controlling processes. There are many different flavors of control charts, but if data are readily available, the X-Bar/R approach is often used. The following PDF describes X-Bar/R charts and shows you how to create them in R and interpret the results, and uses the fan...

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My First (R) Shiny App: An Annotated Tutorial


Image Credit: Doug Buckley of I’ve been meaning to learn Shiny for 2 years now… and thanks to a fortuitous email from @ImADataGuy this morning and a burst of wild coding energy about 5 hours ago, I am happy to report that I have completely fallen in love again. The purpose of this post is to share how I got my first Shin...

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My Second (R) Shiny App: Sampling Distributions & CLT


Image Credit: Doug Buckley of I was so excited about my initial foray into Shiny development using jennybc‘s amazing googlesheets package that I stayed up half the night last night (again) working on my second Shiny app: a Shiny-fied version of the function I shared in March to do simulations illustrating sampling distrib...

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