Publications by Nick Horton
R and SAS in the curriculum: getting students to "think with data"
We’re pleased to announce that a special issue of the American Statistician on “Statistics and the Undergraduate Curriculum” (November, 2015) is available at Johanna Hardin (Pomona College) and Nick were the guest editors. There are a number of excellent and provocative papers that reinforc...
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thinking with data with "Modern Data Science with R"
One of the biggest challenges educators face is how to teach statistical thinking integrated with data and computing skills to allow our students to fluidly think with data. Contemporary data science requires a tight integration of knowledge from statistics, computer science, mathematics, and a domain of application. For example, ...
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Options for teaching R to beginners: a false dichotomy?
I’ve been reading David Robinson’s excellent blog entry “Teach the tidyverse to beginners” (, which argues that a tidyverse approach is the best way to teach beginners. He summarizes two competing curricula:1) “Base R first”: teach syntax such as $ and [[]], built in functio...
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ggformula: another option for teaching graphics in R to beginners
A previous entry ( describes an approach to teaching graphics in R that also “get[s] students doing powerful things quickly”, as David Robinson suggested. In this guest blog entry, Randall Pruim offers an alternative way based on a different formula i...
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