Publications by Nicholas Clark

Detection error logistic regression in Stan


Required libraries cmdstanr MASS ggplot2 viridis Purpose and model introduction This script simulates binary observations of an imperfectly observed data generating process (i.e. our measurements are made with error). It also provides Stan code for estimating parameters of the model in a Bayesian framework. The true infection status \(z\) is a...

7668 sym R (11798 sym/21 pcs) 4 img

Poisson Gaussian Process


Required libraries cmdstanr MASS raster ggplot2 Purpose and model introduction This script simulates Poisson observation model of an underlying spatially autocorrelated data generating process, and provides Stan code for estimating parameters of the model in a Bayesian framework. Observations \(\boldsymbol{Y}\) are assumed to be drawn from a P...

11796 sym R (15207 sym/57 pcs) 15 img

mvgam case study 2: multivariate models


In this example we will examine multivariate forecasting models using mvgam, which fits GAMs using MCMC sampling via the JAGS software (Note that JAGS is required; installation links are found here). First a simulation experiment to determine whether mvgam's inclusion of complexity penalisation works by reducing the number of un-needed dynamic fa...

10592 sym R (32642 sym/127 pcs) 44 img

mvgam case study 1: model comparison and data assimilation


Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) are incredibly flexible tools that have found particular application in the analysis of time series. In ecology, a host of recent papers and workshops (i.e. the 2018 Ecological Society of America workshop on GAMs that was hosted by Eric Pedersen, David L. Miller, Gavin Simpson, and Noam Ross) have drawn special ...

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mvgam case study 3: distributed lag models


Here we will use the mvgam package, which fits dynamic GAMs using MCMC sampling via the JAGS software (Note that JAGS is required; installation links are found here), to estimate paramaters of a Bayesian distributed lag model. These models are used to describe simultaneously non-linear and delayed functional relationships between a covariate and ...

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Bayesian CRF JSDM


Joint species distribution models (JSDMs) typically either estimate residual species association networks or induce correlations among species using latent variables. These models usually do not examine direct effects (i.e. the conditional effect of one species' presence on another's occurrence probability), nor do they allow these effects to var...

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