Publications by Nadine Bestard
CellRanger QC (jpriller)
library(readr) ## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.1.2 library(reshape2) library(ggplot2) summaries <- read.csv("U:/Datastore/CMVM/scs/groups/jpriller-GROUP/scRNAseq/outs/CellRanger/combined_metrics_summaries.csv", row.names = "Sample") # keep the sample names samples <- row.names(summaries) # remove the comas and % signs,...
34 sym R (5682 sym/9 pcs) 3 img
DA miloR young (jpriller)
set-up library(SingleCellExperiment) # manipulate sce library(scater) # plots library(here) # reproducible paths library(miloR) # DA abundance package library(dplyr) # distinct library(patchwork) #plots Milo vignette followed for this analyisis: miloR source(here("src/colours.R")) project <- "fire-mice" sce <- readRDS(here("processed", pro...
6298 sym R (9437 sym/36 pcs) 6 img
index jpriller
R Analysis for fire mice scRNAseq Overall cellrangerQC OLD Done: The first cell and gene quality control is in QC The normalisation by deconvolution is in normalise Feature selection and dimensional reduction in feature_selection_dimred Clustering at different resolutions, clustering_01 First rough annotation in annotation_01 Cluster QC in clust...
2078 sym