Publications by Michael Toth

How to Filter in R: A Detailed Introduction to the dplyr Filter Function


Data wrangling. It’s the process of getting your raw data transformed into a format that’s easier to work with for analysis. It’s not the sexiest or the most exciting work. In our dreams, all datasets come to us perfectly formatted and ready for all kinds of sophisticated analysis! In real life, not so much. It’s estimated that as much...

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The Ultimate Opinionated Guide to Base R Date Format Functions


When I was first learning R, working with dates was one of the hardest and most time consuming tasks I dealt with. There are so many things to learn! What do I do with as.POSIXct(), as.POSIXlt(), strftime(), strptime(), format(), and as.Date()? R date formats were confusing, and it seemed no matter what I did I was always running into issues. An...

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Announcement: Register by Friday for Free R Training Sessions


I run this blog because I want to help you learn to be a better R user! But in order to do that, I need to know more about where you are in your journey and the kinds of problems you’re facing. So, I’m excited to announce that over the next two weeks I am going to be offering free one-on-one 45-minute R training sessions to 10 people! You co...

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R Programmers Earn More than Python Programmers


At least globally, that is. According to the 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, R users globally reported earning an average of $64k per year, $1k more than the $63k reported by Python developers. In the United States, that situation reverses, with Python programmers earning $116k and R programmers $108k. Global Average Salaries by Technology...

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R Programmers Earn More than Python Programmers


At least globally, that is. According to the 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, R users globally reported earning an average of $64k per year, $1k more than the $63k reported by Python developers. In the United States, that situation reverses, with Python programmers earning $116k and R programmers $108k. Global Average Salaries by Technology...

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A Detailed Guide to Plotting Line Graphs in R using ggplot geom_line


When it comes to data visualization, it can be fun to think of all the flashy and exciting ways to display a dataset. But if you’re trying to convey information, flashy isn’t always the way to go. In fact, one of the most powerful ways to communicate the relationship between two variables is the simple line graph. A line graph is a type of ...

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Generating the Ultimate List of 41 Data Science Podcasts by Crowdsourcing Google Results


Confession time: years ago, I was skeptical of podcasts. I was a music-only listener on commutes. Can you imagine? But around 2016, I gave in and finally took the plunge into podcasts. And I’m so glad that I did. Since then, I’ve seen enormous benefits, all attributable at least in part to the podcasts I’ve listened to. I’ve improved my ...

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A Detailed Guide to the ggplot Scatter Plot in R


When it comes to data visualization, flashy graphs can be fun. But if you’re trying to convey information, especially to a broad audience, flashy isn’t always the way to go. Last week I showed how to work with line graphs in R. In this article, I’m going to talk about creating a scatter plot in R. Specifically, we’ll be creating a ggplo...

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Getting a Data Science Job is not a Numbers Game!


My First (Non Data Science) Job Search Let me tell you a story about my first job search. It was 2010, and data science jobs weren’t really a thing yet. I’ll get to that in a minute, but bear with me first because there’s a point to all this. At the time, I was a junior at the University of Pennsylvania, where I was studying finance and sta...

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Detailed Guide to the Bar Chart in R with ggplot


When it comes to data visualization, flashy graphs can be fun. Believe me, I’m as big a fan of flashy graphs as anybody. But if you’re trying to convey information, especially to a broad audience, flashy isn’t always the way to go. Whether it’s the line graph, scatter plot, or bar chart (the subject of this guide!), choosing a well-under...

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