Publications by Max Gordon

Pimping your forest plot


A forest plot using different markers for the two groups In order to celebrate my Gmisc-package being on CRAN I decided to pimp up the forestplot2 function. I had a post on this subject and one of the suggestions I got from the comments was the ability to change the default box marker to something else. This idea had been in my mind for a while a...

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Fast-track publishing using the new R markdown – a tutorial and a quick look behind the scenes


The new rmarkdown revolution has started. The image is CC by Jonathan Cohen. The new R Markdown (rmarkdown-package) introduced in Rstudio 0.98.978 provides some neat features by combining the awesome knitr-package and the pandoc-system. The system allows for some neat simplifications of the fast-track-publishing (ftp) idea using so called formats...

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An exercise in non-linear modeling


Finding the right curve can be tricky. The image is CC by Martin Gommel. In my previous post I wrote about the importance of age and why it is a good idea to try avoiding modeling it as a linear variable. In this post I will go through multiple options for (1) modeling non-linear effects in a linear regression setting, (2) benchmark the methods o...

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How-to go parallel in R – basics + tips


Don’t waist another second, start parallelizing your computations today! The image is CC by Smudge 9000 Today is a good day to start parallelizing your code. I’ve been using the parallel package since its integration with R (v. 2.14.0) and its much easier than it at first seems. In this post I’ll go through the basics for implementing para...

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Introducing the htmlTable-package


How should we convey complex data? The image is is CC by Sacha Fernandez. My htmlTable-function has perhaps been one of my most successful projects. I developed it in order to get tables matching those available in top medical journals. As the function has grown I’ve decided to separate it from my Gmisc-package into a separate package, and at t...

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R trends in 2015 (based on cranlogs)


What are the current tRends? The image is CC from coco + kelly.It is always fun to look back and reflect on the past year. Inspired by Christoph Safferling’s post on top packages from published in 2015, I decided to have my own go at the top R trends of 2015. Contrary to Safferling’s post I’ll try to also (1) look at packages from previous ...

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Dealing with non-proportional hazards in R


As things change over time so should our statistical models. The image is CC by Prad Prathivi Since I’m frequently working with large datasets and survival data I often find that the proportional hazards assumption for the Cox regressions doesn’t hold. In my most recent study on cardiovascular deaths after total hip arthroplasty the coefficie...

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Long-awaited updates to htmlTable


Lets celebrate 2019 with some updates to my most popular package ever, the htmlTable. The image is CC by Thomas Hawk One of the most pleasant surprises has been the popularity of my htmlTable-package with more than 100k downloads per month. This is all thanks to more popular packages relying on it and the web expanding beyond its original boundar...

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News in htmlTable 2.0


A short intro to the new features in htmlTable 2.0. The image is a blend based on a CC image by Ken Xu. The htmlTable 2.0 package was just released on CRAN! It is my most downloaded package with 160 000+ downloads/month and this update is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. For those of you that never encountered htmlTable i...

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Easiest flowcharts eveR?


A guide to flowcharts using my Gmisc package. The image is CC by Michael Staats. A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process. The building blocks are boxes and the arrows that connect them. If you have submitted any research paper the last 10 years you have almost inevitably been asked to produce a flowchart on how you ...

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