Publications by Matt Asher
R: more plotting fun, this time with the Poisson
Click on image for a larger version. Here is the code: Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Statistics Blog » r. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science j...
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How many girls, how many boys?
I found this interesting question over here at Here’s the question: If you have a country where every family will continue to have children until they get a boy, then they will stop. What is the proportion of boys to girls in the country. First off, there are some assumptions you need to make that aren’t stated in the proble...
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First annual R plot replication prize
$100 to the first person who can figure out how I created this plot and replicate it. Some hints: It was done in R. There is only one underlying probability distribution involved (one “rdist()“). Including the “plot” statement, I created this with 3 short lines of code. This is based on a random sampling of unstated size, so I don’t ...
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R: directing output to file on the fly, output flushing
To start sending all output to a file, do this: Related to this I recently had to use: This forces your console to print out any buffered content. Doing this will cost time, but if you are running a very long script and wonder if it is still alive, you might do something like this: Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the ...
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Game of Life in R
Before I decided to learn R in a serious way, I thought about learning Flash/Actionscript instead. Most of my work involves evolutionary models that take place over time. I need visual representations of change. It’s certainly possible to represent change and tell an evolving story with a single plot (see for example Tufte’s favorite infograp...
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R: choose file dialog box
Needed this one recently, it pops up a window to pick a file to be used by r, then reads the contents into myData: Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Statistics Blog » r. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Clic...
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Connecting R and Python
There are a few ways to do this, but the only one that worked for me was to use Rserve and rconnect. In R, do this: 1 2 3 install.packages("Rserve") library(Rserve) Rserve(debug = FALSE, port=6311, args=NULL) Then you can connect in Python very easily. Here is a test in Python: 1 2 rcmd = pyRserve.rconnect(host='localhost', port=6311) print(rcmd(...
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R: Dueling normals
More playing around with R. To create the graph above, I sampled 100 times from two different normal distributions, then plotted the ratio of times that the first distribution beat the second one on the y-axis. The second distribution always had a mean of 0, the mean of first distribution went from 0 to 4, this is plotted on the x-axis. Here is m...
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R: A random walk though OOP land.
If you are used to object oriented programing in a different language, the way R does things can seem a little strange and backwards. “proto” to the rescue. With this library you can simulate “normal” OOP. I found the examples for proto not so helpful, so to figure out how the package works I sent one lonely red ant on a drunken walk. Her...
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How many tanks? MC testing the GTP
It’s 1943 and you work for the good guys. A handful of German tanks have been captured, and each one has a serial number. This is back when serial numbers were still presumed to come in serial, one right after the other. Given your collection of numbered tanks, and assuming that any existing tank was just as likely to be captured as any other, ...
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