Publications by Matt.0

How to Highlight 3D Brain Regions


Recently, I was reading Howard et. al., (2018) “Genome-wide meta-analysis of depression in 807,553 individuals identifies 102 independent variants with replication in a further 1,507,153 individuals” and saw a really cool 3D visualization of highlighted brain regions associated with depression:Source: an exhaustive ...

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The Gamification Of Fitbit: How an API Provided the Next Level of tRaining


“Anyone can look for fashion in a boutique or history in a museum. The creative explorer looks for history in a hardware store and fashion in an airport” — Robert WiederAs much as I like Medium for it’s ability to reach an audience I prefer the customization afforded by If you want to see a far-fancier version of this post...

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Great post Yash!


Great post Yash! For those readers interested in getting data from the fitbit API using R I’ve documented the process here: Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Stories ...

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10 Tips for Choosing the Optimal Number of Clusters


Photo by Pakata Goh on UnsplashClustering is one of the most common unsupervised machine learning problems. Similarity between observations is defined using some inter-observation distance measures or correlation-based distance measures.There are 5 classes of clustering methods:+ Hierarchical Clustering+ Partitioning Methods (k-means, PAM, CLARA...

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Web Scraping Google Sheets with RSelenium


Photo by on UnsplashI love to learn new things and one of ways I learn best is by doing. Also it’s been said that you never fully understand a topic until you are able to explain it , I think blogging is a low barrier to explaining things.Someone I met at a local data science meetup in Montréal wanted help web scraping to get ...

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How to Choose the Best Open Source Software


Photo by Pankaj Patel on UnsplashAfter reading the O’Reilly book “Foundations for Architecting Data Solutions”, by Ted Malaska and Jonathan Seidman, I reflected on how I chose software/tools/solutions in the past and how I should choose them going forward.As a bioinformatician you need to be able to quickly discern whether a publication/t...

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Identifying regional differences in Perinatal Mental Health indicators in the UK with R


Identifying regional differences of Perinatal Mental Health indicators in the UK with RThe fingertipsR package provides an easy interface to access the fingertips API. This repository contains a large variety of public health indicators managed by Public Health England.I will be focusing on the data related to Perinatal Mental Health as our lab...

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My newyeaRs resolution: slimming down (Seurat)


I’m currently developing a single-cell RNA Sequencing pipeline for NetworkAnalyst; an open source, web-based platform for comprehensive gene expression profiling & meta-analysis. The website uses mostly R code (via {RServe}???? ), Java for the heavy-lifting and Javascript for data visualization. Developing this pipeline I’ve been applying var...

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