Publications by Martin Scharm
Talking R through Java
Today I played a bit with JRI as part of rJava, a Java-R-interface. Here you can learn how to setup for Debian/Ubuntu/akins. Installation Assuming you have a running version of Java and GNU’s R, you have to install r-cran-rjava: 1aptitude install r-cran-rjava Shell environment To talk to R through Java you have to specify three more environment...
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Comparison of compression
I recently wrote an email with an attached LZMA archive. It was immediately answered with something like: What are you doing? I had to boot linux to open the file! First of all I don’t care whether user of proprietary systems are able to read open formats, but this answer made me curious to know about the differences between some compression me...
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R for the web
There is a nice R module for apache: rApache. So you can easily publish statistics.To install rApache first install the following packages from the Debian/Ubuntu repository: 1aptitude install apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-prefork-dev r-base-dev So the basics are done. Lets install rApache. Grab the latest version: 1wget
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R progress indicators
Complicated calculations usually take a lot of time. So how to know the progress status to estimate how much time the program still needs to finish?So far, I always printed some debugging stuff. So I knew how much is done and what is still to do, but that isn’t a nice solution if you plan to share your application with others (the guys in your ...
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Now I’m R-Blogging
Today a lot of great mails arrived at my inbox. In one of them I was reading I’ve just added your feed to the site. Where did this mail come from? The sender of the email was Tal Galili. He is a researcher in BioStatistics at the Tel Aviv University, very active around the internet. He also originated R-Bloggers and in this email he told me tha...
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WordPress WordCloud with R
These days one can frequently read about wordclouds created with R, initiated by the release of the wordcloud package by Ian Fellows on July 23rd. So here I am to put in my two cents. I thought about creating a wordcloud of a complete blog history, so I build a script that connects to a MySQL database and grabs all published posts and pages. All ...
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